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Clod Stomper

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Posts posted by Clod Stomper

  1. I realize that I'm in the minority here, but I think a lot of energy is wasted with short barrels with rounds like this. Same with .357 Mag. Add to that the extra muzzle blast and I prefer a longer barrel, even for carry. I think a 4-inch barrel isn't that hard to conceal. For farm and field carry, I like an even longer barrel for the velocity and sight radius.

    That's just me though.
  2. Somehow, I see it quite the opposite. I COULD argue (I won't though) that those who pay $200, submit fingerprints, photo and whatever else to the feds, ask permission of their local police chief and wait several months simply to ask permission to own an item that is Constitutionally protected are the ones voluntarily taking it in the arse.

    Perhaps the people who are putting what is essentially a stock on their pistols (and NOT the pansies writing a letter to some bureaucracy asking for their blessing, BTW) are basically raising a middle finger to an overgrown federal leviathon and saying "eff yoo".

    I know which ones I think are most likely to end up in a threesome with the two chicks.

    BTW, I know it was just a joke and I do not intend to offend anyone who owns a registered NFA weapon.

    (P.S. Was that first paragraph a great run-on sentence, or what?)
    • Like 6
  3. I've wanted a revolver in .327 ever since I heard of it. I actually considered buying a Single-Six and having it converted by Hamilton Bowen as an heirloom for my little boy when he's old enough. But Ruger introduced the Single-Seven last year (I think)!

    So I'll be getting one of those when I can save up enough. Now if Marlin chambers the '94 in it, I may pee my pants.

    I'd like a small 6 round revolver for carrying, but that's a small priority.
  4. If it were me, I'd stop where you are. You won't gain as much velocity as you will pressure. You'll save wear on your brass. And you won't use up your powder as quickly.

    Those published velocities were most likely out of a 20" barrel. Yours are about right from a 16" barrel.

    Also, I'd bet that the load will work in most rifles or carbines. Function has less to do with velocity than it does pressure at the gas port.
  5. Barrel length will cause more unburnt powder to flash, 3031 is slow burning - that high load, with that shorter barrel - and only 2' away from the chronograph. I'd put money down that you had muzzle flash interfering with the chrono. I've seen the same thing with a buddy of mine's Chrony brand chronograph. We were shooting .223 out of my 10.5" ar pistol, couldn't get reliable reads. Moved the chrono out, much more reliable (though higher pucker factor for sure! I didn't want to buy a new chronograph either!)

    This would be my guess as well.

    I once got readings of 3000+ fps from a snub .38 SPL. Yep, I was too close. Or I possibly stumbled upon the magic load that bridges the gap between handgun and rifle.
    • Like 1
  6. When putting back food for an emergency, low fat and sodium are not a priority. Quite the opposite. If I have to last a while, I want calorie density. And sodium is a necessity of life as well. Just get enough water to keep it balanced.

    I'm one of those whose home is in the hills. Unless I know you or you have some valuable skills, ammo and food, don't plan on bugging out to my home.

    I don't have a bug-out bag. I have a get-home kit.
    • Like 1
  7. Rick shot Pete. Deanna told him to. And did it in front of Morgan and Daryl who had just arrived.

    And it appears that it was the "Wolves" who were mutilating the walkers' bodies. There were torsoes hanging in the booby-trapped trailers.
  8. I don't think Norman Reedus should speak unless he's in character.

    Where did those pictures in the backpack come from? Was that Red Poncho Guy's bag?

    Mrs Dictator wants civilization? They're gonna need a jail. Could have saved Reg's life.

    Morgan needs a blade.
  9. Not sure about the DUI. After a certain amount of time it will not affect your permit.

    But the birth certificate thing is just silly. My BC has a black background, as I'm sure many others do as well. I had no problem getting my permit. Of course that was back in the '90s.
  10. DUDE! I have done some of the dumbest crap when pissed.
    I limit myself to solitary outbursts of anger nowadays though. I try to never let anger cloud my judgment when in the presence of others. I'm still not above beating something apart with a hammer when it refuses to cooperate. I just don't wanna act like that around people any more.
    Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE NOTHING MORE than to [Will Smith] Hancock someone who cuts me off or acts like an ass, but in reality, RARELY are the fruits of confrontation worth the effort and aftermath.

    All the above. Even now, if I thought I could get away clean with it, I might consider laying a beat-down on some clown who desperately needs it. Chances of success? Very slim. Too many cameras and cell phones around these days. But yes, some people really do need it.

    It wouldn't be so bad if the "authorities" took dangerous drivers a bit more seriously. But had I called the sheriffs dept on the clown who nearly hit us (me, my wife, and our two-year old) head-on the other day, it would have been 'meh'. But if I were to point a gun at that same clown, they would have swarmed me like a bunch of angry hornets. Is one of those actions more dangerous than the other? Yep! The car is MUCH more dangerous. But aside from drunk drivers and speeders (and speeding is not necessarily dangerous in and of itself), ****ty driving is mostly ignored.
  11. 6.5 Grendel is going to get you closest to 400 yards.  Out of a short barrel, it may be reaching its limits, but I don't think another round will do better at that range.  


    Edit:  If you're not an experienced handloader, don't get into the Grendel unless you want to shoot factory rounds only.  I've been handloading since I was 14.  The Grendel presented challenges I hadn't run into before.

  12. I read a book years ago about Special Forces in Vietnam. The author mentioned that SF preferred the "Stoner" over the M-16. I wonder if that's the rifle that he was referring to.

    Edit: No, it was probably the Stoner 63 mentioned above.
  13. This is nothing more than another rung in the ladder of confusion that is the ATF. Someone else, who is onboard with Obama's agenda, will be appointed shortly and a slew of new opinions will be announced further limiting our rights.

    I used to support the ATF as I did any other LE agency but now I no longer view them as a LE agency. The reason is because even though they swore to protect and defend the constitution they continue to attack those rights. If any other agency were to write opinions stating only certain forms of free speech are allowed the liberals would be up in as demanding action but because the ATF is limiting GUN rights the liberals are all for it.

    I am sure the agents are tired of the differing opinions and constantly changing policies as well.

    Don't think they ever were intended to be a law enforcement agency. They're a tax collection agency. Until the rearrangement after Sept 11, 01, they were under treasury. But they've seen themselves as LE superninjas for a long time now.

    I've never had any respect for an agency whose sole purpose is to tax and restrict my RKBA.

    I used to be acquainted with an ATF agent. On a personal level, he was a nice guy. But he told stories of how they would harass individuals selling guns at flea markets.

    I don't think agents who respect gun rights make it very far in that bureau. That's the impression I get.
  14. How many other guns do you have that have no logical purpose? I know I have a few.

    Actually, it's about the length of a 1911 right? That's not too bad. Do you hunt? Hike? That extra barrel length will make some +p 147 gr 9mms really scream. Vihtavouri publishes a 9mm load that rivals .357 Mag. A 17 round .357 Mag for woods walking.

    Sounds like enough reason to me.
    • Like 1


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