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It surprises me that Mr. Bush didn't set the inexperienced one on his knee while he visited the White House and splane to him some realities of life in the fast lane.

If he did, and if "O" don't then he really does have a bit to learn at our expense of course.

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It surprises me that Mr. Bush didn't set the inexperienced one on his knee while he visited the White House and splane to him some realities of life in the fast lane.

If he did, and if "O" don't then he really does have a bit to learn at our expense of course.

I hate to say it, but I am with Hillary on this topic. As she clearly stated during the primaries that the office of the president does not allow for on the job training. Well, the people voted and now we are stuck with Mr. Inexperienced. This is my country, but he is not my president. I'm simply surviving until JAN 2013.

The only benefit is we don't have to worry about paying any penalties if we ever mess up our taxes. Just write "Rangel Rule" on your tax form and you're covered!

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Iran launches first homemade satellite.


The Omid (Hope) satellite, launched as Iran marks the 30th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution this month, was designed for research and telecommunications, said the television, which carried footage of the launch.

The long-range ballistic technology used to put satellites into space can also be used for launching weapons, although Iran says it has no plans to do so.


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Guest mustangdave

Inexperience and good intentions trumps thermonuclear war...why?...Because he won. God I love the thought of arc light raids...Operation Rolling Thunder in IRAN...unfortunately with the O-Man at the helm I see Desert ONE redux. He's a caramel Jimmy Carter

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