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Bought another new Colt today at Guns & Leather..

Guest Tn.Mitch

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Guest Tn.Mitch

its a Govt model.Series 70s,45acp.5 inch barrel Blue finish,model 0,Dont know why I picked it,looks just like my colt Commander,but its 3/4 of a inch longer,same color grips and blueing thr hammer is different and trigger,almost got another SS golden Cup Trophy,but I think I like the dark models better,for the most,not all,want some SS or nickle...They had a beauitful crome springer at the Franklin Store,but,I could never keep my fingerprints off it....pics to follow later....

Edited by Tn.Mitch
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Guest Fenris

Hey! What time were you there? I was in there with a buddy shooting from about 2-3:30 or so.

It was crowded.

Not Saturday crowded, but weekday crowded.

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Guest Tn.Mitch
Hey! What time were you there? I was in there with a buddy shooting from about 2-3:30 or so.

It was crowded.

Not Saturday crowded, but weekday crowded.

Yep I was there then,upstairs with the other 35 people at the counters,trying to get waited on....They are allways real nice dealing with me,shoot, they know me by all my purchaces,bought 3 1911s there in last 10 days. ;) I have 5 free range passes in my wallet right now from new guys bought,and havent shot yet,last time I shot,I took the last 5 new guns,I had bought ,and shot all 5,running a hundred rounds through each,I carryed in 800 rounds with me but didnt use them all,I was worn out from it took me many hours to shoot and load mags for all 5,all were 45acp but 1 Taurus PT92,its a 9mm,I use a Magula Uplua thing to reload mags it works great,couldnt do it without one,I keep a new extra one in my range bag,just in case it should break.It loads,9mm,40,45,357,and ohers,without any changes,you just go from on to the next,you should try one some time,they selll them at G&L on First row near the door as you walk straight in towards the back,they are right as you walk in,I had to order mine online, I told the guys about how they shoulld really think about stocking them,and they did,Id get them while you can,no more sore,bleeding fingers,from hours of loading mags,I have 3 ,4,5,mags for each gun but it stlll takes alot of time away from shooting,the Magula Uplua makes it a lot faster,mand easyier,and I dont own any stock in the compamy...,.lol..just passing a good tip on.\


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Guest hickok

Those old Series '70 Colts are nice. The one you bought is the same as my very first 1911: 5" blue Series '70. Thing is, it wasn't a collector's item when I bought it in 1975. Kind of sorry I ended up tricking it out for IPSC competition now; my taste in 1911's has changed over the years.

Like a Colt SAA, I enjoy them more from a historical perspective and prefer little or no modifications. Sometimes, getting a flat mainspring housing and long trigger requires parts replacement.

Nice guns! For carry, I've gotten spoiled by "pull & shoot" guns that have no external safety, but I'll always have a soft place in my heart for a good old 1911. ;)

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Guest Tn.Mitch

Heres a pic of the whole Family..The new colt is top right,the Commander ,Third one down on left,will have new grips next pic


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Guest Tn.Mitch

Here the new grips I bought from a guy in Texas on Ebay.






The Commander wont fit in with the rest,the case will only hold 5 1911s,have 6 now,Thats enough of that.... :P

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