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A Gentleman's Collection

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Beltfed said:

No one has ask so I will.  Is the MP5K case the one you can fire the weapon with a device on the handle?  Haven’t seen one in years and memory fails me.

Ha!  Now that's a blast from the past.  No, it's just a Pelican case that came standard when you purchased an SP5K.

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10 hours ago, Beltfed said:

Shucks!  I have the real deal and always looking for odd HK stuff.  Thanks.

Hey, Beltfed, I still have that Benelli M1 Super 90 that has the HK markings on it if you're interested.  Text or call me.  The number is at the top of the ad.  Or send me a message and we can trade numbers there.  There's a bit of interesting lineage to that HK-marked Benelli M1 Super 90.

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  • 2 weeks later...

PSA: If you request me to hold something for you because you need to save up the funds, there will be a 50% nonrefundable deposit.  I hate to do this because I expect more from this community but a couple of you have asked me to hold something for weeks only to then attempt a ghosting and/or come back with some Spaceballs-level financial excuse.  So, moving forward, any holds longer than 24 hours will require a 50% nonrefundable deposit.  Your excuses, no matter how tragic or absurd, will not suffice.  You will also provide me with an email address and sign a deposit agreement stating such.

I pay to be a part of this community with the understanding that we are above the rabble on other websites.  Act accordingly.

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