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I just received my new "Bluegrass Hybrid Holster" the "Colonel" model.

Welcome to Bluegrass Hybrid Holsters

Right out of the box, it looks to be very well constructed. This holster was made for my Glock model 30.

I ordered it June 2 and received it today July 6. I had to send a few emails to them to find out when I was going to receive it, (their sites say 14 days). They were always quick to reply to my emails, with any informaton (right or wrong).

After seeing the quality of the holster and now wearing for about an hour, it was well worth the wait. It sits very comfortable at 3:30 on my strong side.

I will give a update in a week or two, to let you guys know how it feels after I break the leather in.




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So far so good.

Today was my first full day wearing the new holster, and it is VERY comfortable. I thought it was going to be bulky, but surprisingly it sometimes feels like it isn't even there.

I have got a few compliments on it, and I am overall pleased with it so far.

More to come.

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Good looking holster, Memphismason. It looks like it allows the comfort of leather against your body, but the ease of re-holstering in Kydex. What position do you wear it in? Have you tried it in the 4 O'clock position, and if so was it comfortable there too? Does it stay in position after hours of wear and movement? Thanks for the info.

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Good looking holster, Memphismason. It looks like it allows the comfort of leather against your body, but the ease of re-holstering in Kydex. What position do you wear it in? Have you tried it in the 4 O'clock position, and if so was it comfortable there too? Does it stay in position after hours of wear and movement? Thanks for the info.
Do tell what you think after more wearing time. Pro's & con's. I got the same pistol to find a holster for.

I am carrying somewhere between the 3:00 & 4:00 positions. It has been very comfortable to wear all this week. The leather is starting to take shape to my body. It does stay in place after wearing it all day. For the first week of using it, I am very pleased.

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