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Inquiring about costs

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I was just majorly scolded by a mod because I am asking too many questions about costs of various guns. I apologize if I wanted to find out information about guns from the experts on this site. i was actually under the impression that that's what this site was about. I now have basically been called a liar by the mod :shrug: stating that "he knows what I'm doing" by asking these questions i am trying to beat the benefactor system and trying to sell guns without paying. For the record before he bans me...THAT IS NOT THE CASE< I HAVE NOT ATTEMPTED TO SELL ANYONE ON THIS THREAD ANY GUN. I AM NEW AND AM INTERESTED IN THE GUNS IN QUESTION BECAUSE I WANT TO SELL THEM ELSEWHERE. IF I DECIDE TO USE THIS THREAD AS A SALES TOOL I WILL GLADLY PAY THE FEES....UNTIL THEN I AM LEARNING AND I APPRECIATE THE GREAT ADVICE AND INFO THE PROS HAVE GIVEN ME...So, he'll probably boot me for wrong reasons..if so thanks again.

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I am not a Moderator I am just a member. When I saw your post I thought the same thing David did. It looked like you were trying to get around the guidelines set up by the administration. Dont take this the wrong way, Im not calling you a liar. That is the way I saw it also. This a good forum to get information about firearms and Tn laws (and some stuff you dont want to know)

But if you want to sell here you must follow the rules.

The moderators wont put up with crap here. But thats a good thing, Other forums without good moderators do not work.

Enjoy your stay.

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