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Coyote Hunters..

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For all you coyote hunters.....

How close have you seen a coyote to a deer? (chasing it)

I went to a friend of mines house tonight to shoot and to let their dog out. The house is in a fairly rural area in the woods with all kinds of wildlife around.

Their driveway is pretty long and gravel. As i was coming back down the driveway...I saw a deer bolt across the driveway, right behind it was another one.....i stopped thinking there was more coming......

I saw another deer(or so i thought) running through......Not 30 yards behind these two deer comes a coyote....in a dead run, chasing these deer.

I jumped out to try to shoot the 'yote(with a pistol---yeah right)...but....when it saw my headlights and ME(i guess)......it was gone up the mountain in a flash.

Anyone ever seen anything similar?

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One passed right in front of my wife as she was coming up the drive last summer, chasing a deer.

While bushogging I found the front leg of a deer from about the knee down just laying on a big flat rock. Was fairly fresh, looked to be off a full grown deer. Not sure if yotes did it or not, thought it was kinda weird.

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One passed right in front of my wife as she was coming up the drive last summer, chasing a deer.

While bushogging I found the front leg of a deer from about the knee down just laying on a big flat rock. Was fairly fresh, looked to be off a full grown deer. Not sure if yotes did it or not, thought it was kinda weird.

The leg was all that was left after your previous pass while bushogging.:eek:

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This story is a little off thread, but really funny. I found it on another site I visit. Enjoy.

Coyote on my back

This story took place back in Missouri and the Van in the story was affectionately called our White Elephant and that name was painted on the back door.

It was winter and about 10 degrees out. The night was cold and crisp and the moon was full and so bright you could almost read a news paper. Living in the farm land you soon learned that you shared the night with the wildlife and as I stood on the patio I could hear the coyotes singing north of me. I had been trying to get that particular pack of coyotes for most of the year as they were taking a lot of pheasants and quail in my favorite hunting area. As bright as the moon and stars were reflecting off the snow that covered the ground I thought I might fool them by hunting them at night. So I loaded up my varmint call, my Ruger Std. Model .22 LR pistol and dressed in all white I drove to the area that the coyotes were denned up.

The ground was frozen deep but the snow was drifted and the Van was not a 4x4 so I left it at the gate to the corn field and walked quietly to the other side of the field.

I knew they were denned up in the old creek bed so I found a little washed out ditch close to the fence line. I figured they would come down the creek and as they jumped up on the bank of the creek they would be just about 10 yards from me and I could easily hit them head on with my Ruger shooting combat style.

So I hunkered down and started to make music. I was squealing my varmint call. It sounded like a little half dead rabbit, so realistic that I almost felt sorry for it. I could just see over the bank of the ditch I was crouched in and after the first squeal the coyotes went quiet real quick. Heh heh, I got them now.

ALL OF A SUDDEN something hit me from behind! It knocked me to the bottom of the ditch and I heard the "CLICK" of teeth right behind my neck. I struggled up and whirled around to find myself face to face with a big coyote. He was on the bank of the ditch behind me and no farther than a foot away from my nose. I had my coat open to let me get to my pistol and I made one of the fastest quick draws in my life. When I made my move to my gun the coyote realized he had made a BAAADD mistake. He turned the upper end of his body and his front feet were scratching snow, His back legs hadn't got the message yet and were still facing me. He looked all for the world like a Wiley Coyote cartoon. Then he almost turned inside out when everything caught up with his decision to scat. He took off across the frozen corn field and I was steadily shooting at him. I shot the entire magazine of 10 rounds and missed him every time. But the shots most definately kicked in his after burner as he was picking up speed at each shot. Just before he got the the other side of the field he scented my truck and turned and ran up the fence row.

I was so shaken up that I could not take a step for a while. I just stood there trying to get my breath. As near as I can figure he circled around me in the bare empty field (who would have thought a coyote would do that?) When he came up to me all he could see was the back of my neck and my hair sticking out of under my white hat. That must have looked like a rabbit to him. So he pounced.

I finally got my feet under me and trudged across the snowy field only to find that three of my ten shots fired at the coyote ricocheted off the frozen ground and into the radiator of my Van and I could see the steam arising from the leaking antifreeze. It took me an hour and a half to get home. Drive until the heat gage goes to the top, stop, throw snow on the radiator, drive till it overheats again, stop, throw snow on the radiator.

Score Coyotes 1

White Elephant zip


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Haven't seen one chasing deer, but my brother saw one from the deer stand a few years ago tracking and catching up to a beagle, which had apparently been tracking something, or maybe tracking the coyote. Coyotes will go after just about anything.

My sons and I were out deer hunting on the ground a couple weeks ago in the evening. My oldest spotted one coming by about 30 yards behind us and could hear a couple more in the brush east of us just a few yards out.

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Guest GunTroll

They are attacking people back in CO. Mostly attacking people who have pets with them but that is brazen enough for me to put the smack down on em'. I have only seen one coyote since my move to TN last summer. Now that deer season is winding down I'm gonna go and knock on some doors for permission. I figure it might be my way in for next year deer season. People are kind of funny about allowing you to shoot their deer but I would think everyone is just fine with you killing off unwanted predators.

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A few years ago a friend and I were just hanging out at my T-hangar at the Murfreesboro airport. A summer storm blew through, so I closed the doors and we continued visiting while the storm raged outside. After the storm had subsided, and things had quieted down, I opened the door to find a whole pack of domestic dogs laying on a knoll about 15 yards from my hangar door! I noticed there were two that looked different, and almost immediately they started to slip away from the pack that was obviously after a female in heat. Then they started to trot away toward the woods on the other side of the runway. It was then that we realized they were not dogs, but were coyotes! Apparently, they had wanted to get in on the "love fest" provided by the bitch in heat! They were close enough that I could have hit them with a slingshot. The rest of the dogs just stayed put, but the two coyotes kept edging away, and stopping frequently to look back at us. They did not break away in a fast run, but rather reluctantly slipped away. Right then and there, I realized they would breed with domestic dogs. Don't know if it goes the other way around or not. Even though I've heard tales of female coyotes, in heat, bringing domestic dogs back out to the pack for them to have lunch on! Sure wish I'd had my camera that day to photograph the two. We were probably within 25-30 feet of them when I first slid the hangar door open!

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Just read an artical the other day on www.mywaynews.com about a couple of coyotes killing a young girl in Nova Scotia, Canada...very sad.

They can be dangerous critters....given the chance....always pack something when in the outback...even a little North American Arms .22 derringer will deter most coyotes at short range...better than a stick!!!


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