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seez52 last won the day on February 25 2018

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About seez52

  • Birthday 01/01/1960

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  • Location
    Lebanon, TN
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  1. Would be interested in both if you are in the Lebanon Mt Juliet area?
  2. If you're near middle TN I'd take the 6k. As far east as Cookeville or so?
  3. I wanted to put a 64 tag on my 64 wagon. I had the tag, they told me there was no such thing as a tag with 64 on it. Told me it was probably a reproduction plate and I couldn't use it. Took it in and showed them, they still said there was no plate ever issued in 64. My car has been running with a 64 plate now for about 4 years.
  4. If you want to go by the "rules" , you'll have to refer to the TN gov website to figure out which year plate you need if you're going to use it for a substitute for an antique plate. It's sorta of a convoluted mess. On the other hand police officers don't really spend much time checking antique car plates.
  5. I'll take the 10/22 trigger group if you'll ship in a small flat rate box on my dime.
  6. we have maybe 4, kinda hard to count. They spend a lot of time just chasing each other away. Just have one feeder up currently. I will usually put up a second feeder just around the corner of the house and a couple of birds have been checking this area out, so I'm guessing they were here last year.
  7. If you've ever seen any of the Bob Lazar interviews it does make one wonder. He is so believable.
  8. He's just trying to mark his territory before Gov. Lee's special session.
  9. I have a 2012 Tundra. Bought it with 38k and it's got 153k now. It's been good so far with nothing more than general maintenance required. Have had some issue with the front rotors warping. But I'm now faced with the 5.7 ltr cam tower leak. One side leaks down on the manifold and I smell it about every day. Haven't noticed it leaking enough to make a puddle yet. It's a known problem and not really a home repair job. Dealerships probably charge in the $2k+ to repair it. It's only a 2wd and I have really been needing a 4wd as 2wd trucks can get stuck in wet grass. But dang the prices are just nuts. I can't decide whether to trade it before it gets worse or fix it. A 0% interest program would be tempting.
  10. Remedy also works good for woody plants in combination with 2-4D. I upgraded from roundup to the Total Weed control. It seems to last a lot longer particularly for the driveway and my fence row.
  11. Maybe Lee will cancel the whole thing with this crap going on and the likely hood of anything like a red flag law he wants passing. Maybe just let it go until next session.


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