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Is it the size or how you use it?

Guest Satt

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Guest looneeetunes

well kind of along these lines, my wife took her hcp course yesterday. and while the instructor was filing out their papperwork in the range, she said cal. was brought up. there was some discussion and the instructor told them that some of the home invasions lately the suspects were wearing body armor. havent heard this myself anyone else???

in that case the larger the better. myself i wont carry less than 40 and rarely do that i normally wear a 45.

note to self dont look at satt's avatar while typing.. may loose concentr :( ation....

mars i am not gonna ask my wife afraid of the answer :) lmao

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Guest canynracer

And if Mars' wife was thinking what I think she was thinking, she's right too. :(

ok guys, she said its both, I know, some are depressed, and hoping it was only how you use it, and some are thinking "HA, I TOLD YOU SO" ....for the depressed, maybe a new porche, an H2? whatever, just go buy yourself something REALLY expensive.


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Guest canynracer

I would also like to add this news story to prove the point...


The Guam Police Department released more information this afternoon on last night's pellet gun shooting that led to the death of an 18-year-old man. The young man was playing with some friends at his home on Eging Street in Mangilao, and was identified as Jesse Joseph DeJesus Perez of Chalan Pago. At this point police are only classifying the case as a death investigation and no arrests have been made yet.

Special Agent John Perez told KUAM News, "Several individuals were brought in by the Criminal Investigation Division for interview and as I said the case is still under investigation...through statements we received four friends were behind a residence on Eging Street when a firearm discharged which caused a single wound to Perez's chest area."

An autopsy conducted this afternoon confirms the single shot was fatal, as the pellet passed through the victim's lungs and heart, damaging his aorta. A 17-year-old is believed to have been the shooter, but police have yet to release any more details about the case.


if you do a google search on "killed by pellet gun"

you will be suprised how many of these there are.

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Guest TNDixieGirl
ok guys, she said its both, I know, some are depressed, and hoping it was only how you use it, and some are thinking "HA, I TOLD YOU SO" ....for the depressed, maybe a new porche, an H2? whatever, just go buy yourself something REALLY expensive.


It doesn't have to be expensive. Chocolate, in any form, will solve most problems. :stare:

And if you aim for her heart, the caliber becomes unimportant. :)

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Guest looneeetunes
I usually say, two to the body, one to the head and it won't matter if it's a 9mm or a .45, a Gold Dot or military ball.

but now on most of those wheel guns that just leaves ya wit two. hope there aint more than one of those varmits. :)

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Guest ETS_Inc

Some folks have learned to be able to use their larger ones properly. "A hit with a .22 is better than a miss with a .45" is true, but if you get enough practice, you should be able to hit the target and achieve the desired result, regardless of the size of your gun. That rule works well in other situations, as well. Or, so I've been told.

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It depends on caliber - caliber of your handgun and caliber of the bad guys. :(

Once one person goes down, regardless of calibre, the rest arent likely to stay around unless you have something they just really really want. And if that's the case no handgun is going to make much difference.

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Guest ETS_Inc
Once one person goes down, regardless of calibre, the rest arent likely to stay around unless you have something they just really really want. And if that's the case no handgun is going to make much difference.

You're assuming they aren't a determined foe, but just the run-of-the-mill predator. While that's probably the norm, I'd argue that it's not always a safe assumption. Sure, five rounds are often more than enough, but I'd rather not count on it. (Says the guy with only 8 rounds in his Para C-7/45, and another 7 on his belt.)

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You're assuming they aren't a determined foe, but just the run-of-the-mill predator. While that's probably the norm, I'd argue that it's not always a safe assumption. Sure, five rounds are often more than enough, but I'd rather not count on it. (Says the guy with only 8 rounds in his Para C-7/45, and another 7 on his belt.)

It generally is a safe assumption unless you are in the drug trade or jewelry business. Criminals are lazy cowardly people for the most part. They want it easy. Resisting, especially by slinging lead, changes the equation.

And as I wrote, if there are multiple assailants determined enough no handgun is going to do you much good.

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Guest ETS_Inc
It generally is a safe assumption unless you are in the drug trade or jewelry business. Criminals are lazy cowardly people for the most part. They want it easy. Resisting, especially by slinging lead, changes the equation.

And as I wrote, if there are multiple assailants determined enough no handgun is going to do you much good.

I'd expand your list of dangerous trades to include the gun business. You don't think there are determined people who want your wares? Now, usually they've got a high enough sense of self-preservation to do as they did previously and rob you at night, when you're closed. But, there have been robberies of gun stores during business hours, by multiple assailants.

They're robbing a gun store, during the day. I'd guess that althoguh they're not displaying a lot of common sense, they are probably astute enough to realize that you're likely armed. It would seem natural that anyone willing to go into that situation would be armed as well, and likely ready to face the threat of having to fight for what they want.

Just my thoughts, though.

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Guest ETS_Inc

Now, do I think you can over-analyze the threat, and prepare too much? Sure, you can. but, you can also under-analyze, and underprepare.

Do you need to walk around with a belt-fed M-60, ready to face down gangs of street thugs? No. Because it's highly unlikely that will happen.

Do you need to carry around a brace of 12-gauge pumps, ready for an invasion of Zombies? Probably not, as I have yet to see one outside of a movie. (That's not to say they don't exist, just that I haven't seen one, so don't any zombiehunters get into a tizzy.)

But, is it that unreasonable to foresee the possibility of multiple, armed, determined assailants walking into a gun store and trying to steal the guns? Not in my mind. Therefore, I'd rather make the logical conclusion that since it's not unreasonable to imagine the possibility, and that since engaging multiple threats might mean needing more than 5 rounds, and since carrying a gun capable of holding more ammo isn't that much more difficult, if any more difficult at all, I'd rather be prepared for the situation.

I do believe that there is a line which can be drawn. During my time working with Military Intelligence, we were always examining the threats presented by the enemy, and were tasked with deciding on the different courses of enemy action. The two most important were Most Likely Course of Action, and Most Dangerous Course of Action. It is necessary to analyse those, and balance them with your own objectives, capabilities, and limitations, so that you can mitigate the effects of the threat on your operations, or in this case, day-to-day lives.

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I couldnt name a gun store robbery in nashville during business hours. Some might remember Tommy St Charles from Law Enforcement Supply on 8th. He carried a .25acp strapped to his ankle. He was in a lousy area for 30 years and never had a problem. OTOH, my friend who runs a c-store on Gallatin Rd has pulled his gun twice since i've known him, about 3 weeks.

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Guest ETS_Inc

Many people in Littleton, CO probably couldn't name a school where a student came in and shot up the place prior to Columbine. That didn't prevent it from happening.

Just because it hasn't happened here yet, doesn't mean it couldn't.

A quick Google action (gun store, robbery), garners this:


Two men try to rob a gunstore. They take the owners gun, but can't figure out how to work the P7. Shop owner grabs a hidden .357, and pulls the trigger, and has a misfire (one attempted shot). He then pulls the trigger three more times, hitting his assailant (four total shots). He then engages the second robber, firing twice, and hitting. (six total shots)

Now, was the fifth shot fired the same one which had misfired at first? i don't know, it might have been. Or, it could have been an unloaded chamber or a bad round. Without talking to the person involved, we might never know.

Either way, when the second robber realized that Montgomery was still alive and fighting back, he didn't run away, he chose to stand and fight. Luckily, the shop owner came out ahead that day. It could have very easily turned out worse. Montgomery was disarmed immediately. Only through luck / divine intervention, did he get taken to the bathroom, where he was able to retrieve a second gun. But, he had planned for that possibility, and had prepared for it. That preparation saved his life.

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