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Interest in an informal TGO get-together for Nashville area members?

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Well, I know I am a total unknown to all you guys, but if you wanted to give a go at meeting up at Picadilly on the night of the 20th, say 6:30 or 7pm until ? I'll call and check the Dilly to reserve a room/corner for us. I'll also set up a little bit of meet and greet type stuff so us noobs (me!) don't feel left out.

Everyone who would be in for showing up on the 20th, chime in we'll get 'er done! Feel free to e-mail me or call me on my celly at 615 423 5522.

Please post here if you are going to try andf make it.

Tungsten: would it be possible to also post a link to this thread somewhere else to maybe get the attention of folks in the area who may not be browsing this particular thread?

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I won't be able to make the Saturday after Thanksgiving as I'll still be in KY with the family of my lovely bride of 5 months. :(

It sure is tough setting meetings anymore. It just seems like everybody has gotten so busy in the last year or so. Is it just me or is it getting worse for everybody?

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Picadilly is on Murfreesboro road south of nashville, about a mile down from 24/40 and Spence lane. It's on the east side of Mboro road.

So do we have three possible so far? Me, Molonlabetn, and jcoyle?

I'm not trying to exclude anyone (especially you, tungsten) but if we don't pick on and just do it, it seems like it won't happen. Does that make sense? I was in a reef club (not reefer! saltwater tanks!) and it was impossible to get everyone together all the time, even the officers, but we just made a schedule and stuck with it anyways.

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...Just look for people running and screaming, and SWAT responders, panicked because of Open-Carry...

wait... :(

Nothing like that happened any other time I've been there OCing... nevermind. Heh...

Anyways... Piccadilly Cafeteria at 874 Murfreesboro Pike in Nashville will get you to the right place using Google Maps or Mapquest

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No, a Saturday shoot sounds great! YOU pick a date for that and "stick by your guns" for that one, too! If it were a day I could make it, I'd be there, too!

Alright, if we get four people here who think they'll be able to make it, it'll be official! Nov 20th, 7pm @ Picadilly.

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That would be AWESOME!! My wife would probably come if yours came. She doesn't like being the only girl, even though she can hold her own when it comes to guns! She's got a nickle 4" S&W 19, and she keeps it loaded with 357s! not wimpy 38+ps!

We're also really close in age (I'm 25, Kelley is 24) so that would be cool.

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