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2nd TRS


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Well I should have my new Les Baer TRS this Thursday evening. This is the only gun that I have ever bought twice. After trading away my first one I missed it about 6 months later, this one will have no front cocking serrations just like my old one. I am excited and know what to expect! I will definitely keep this one as I have never missed a pistol so much that I sold or traded away :D

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Here she is, man this thing is much tighter than my last not sure but they may have given me the 1.5 upgrade by mistake, It honestly is much tighter and harder to rack the slide than my first one! as usual the Baers come drenched in oil, but here is a picture of my new friend


I forgot how much i missed my TRS!!

Edited by willis68
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I have an odd request, if you follow normal break in you probably will not

strip it and clean it till after you put 200 rounds or so thru it. However when you

do, would you send me a picture of the slide stop/release from a couple of different

angles. If you would like to PM me and I'll tell you why.

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I have an odd request, if you follow normal break in you probably will not

strip it and clean it till after you put 200 rounds or so thru it. However when you

do, would you send me a picture of the slide stop/release from a couple of different

angles. If you would like to PM me and I'll tell you why.

It will more than likely be a month in a half or so, but I will be shooting 500 rounds of Remington Golden Saber 230 Grain through her before anything else. I do this to all of my carry guns and will not strip or clean it until after. I will be more than happy to send you pictures, again it may be up until 6 weeks before this is done but if you PM me your email address I will gladly oblige :D

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Sweet 1911! I am putting a Les Baer TRS on my wish list... Can I ask why 500 rounds of Golden Sabres for the break in? Is that the only round that you carry/shoot?

That is the only .45 ammo that I carry, After 500 trouble free accurate shots are fired through the weapon (without a glitch) I trust my life to it. The purpose for this 1911 is a defensive carry pistol,

Edited by willis68
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