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Thoughts on holster retention systems

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I'm looking for recommendations on a good concealed carry holster for my XD9. I'm fairly new to handgun ownership, but I do go to the range regularly, have taken the carry class and the NRA pistol class. I'll be getting my carry permit here in a few months, so I need to start looking for a holster.

I've searched these forums and it looks like a lot of folks like either the Don Hume 721, or the Bianchi Carrylok holsters. I like the looks of both, think I may like the just behind the hip position, and the price is definitely right.

My question is, really about the CarryLok system. I really like the idea of the gun being secured to the holster. In reality though, is this a big deal? I mean, how often does a pistol slip out of a holster? For instance, getting in and out of a car, running to the car in the rain, etc.

I'm not real crazy about a holster with a strap that snaps over the pistol. It seems to me that it would just be another thing to have to undo to get the gun out if needed. The CarryLok looks like it would be a pretty fluid motion of disengaging the lock and removing the gun. Is this true?

Thanks in advance.

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Guest Verbal Kint

The lock retention systems were answers more for a LEO need, than a civilian requirement, IMO.

It comes into play when a perp has the opportunity to try and pull your gun out of your holster, during a skirmish, or when you're rolling around on the ground trying to subdue a guy. Obviously you want the gun locked in place during those instances.

But any quality holster should have retention properties (proper fit) to be more than adequate for daily carry or a short sprint to and from your car during rain.

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Look into the Don Hume 711OT, if available for your model... the 711 is more comfortable and fits the gun better, generally.

For concealed carry... retention devices will only slow down your draw, as mentioned, a snug leather holster is ideal. For open-carry, definitely get a holster with some form of manual or passive retention system. The Blackhawk SERPA and Safariland ALS are 2 of the best passive systems out there.

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Here's what I use every time I carry:

http://www.bianchi-intl.com/product/Prod.php?TxtModelID=5 Yes, it has a thumbreak-snap, and many will tell you that's its too slow for anyone serious about CCW. All I can tell you is that it is my only carry holster, and it works extremely well. I even use it in IDPA matches. I regularly get chastised about it--"get a kydex holster and you'll drop .3 seconds from your draw." Baloney. I've used this holster since I was a fetus and it's no slower than the kydex holsters that most of my fellow IDPA match shooters use. Retention holsters aren't just for cops--if you're going to carry on the street, you should be prepared to face the same kinds of hand-to-hand/CQ fighting that a cop could see, and that, IMHO, requires a holster which will give you a LITTLE more warning when someone grabs your gun in a fight, by suprise from behind, or whenever. Maybe I'm a little more cautious than most, but if you ever have any business in Memphis, you should be prepared for WW3. I'll try to post some links to some match video of me using this holster; you can see for yourself that it works well.

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Guest Verbal Kint
Retention holsters aren't just for cops

I never said they were "just" for cops. I said it was an answer "...more for a LEO need, than a civilian requirement". LEO/Military often put themselves in much closer quarters with the offender, than the general public ever should, due to the nature of their job. Thus they require such carry options. Your average Joe, unless totally caught off guard and jumped from behind, isn't going to require such equipment... especially if carrying concealed. This is where knowing your surroundings and purposely distancing yourself from the individual(s) comes into play... which is exactly what they teach you in your carry classes. I don't know about you, but every fight I've ever been in -- whether it escalated to the point of throwing blows or not -- I've been presented with the opportunity to walk away or keep distance between myself and the person. True, most fights end up on the ground, once they get started... but more times than not, you can prevent that from ever happening.

The OP mentioned the Bianchi Carrylok holsters, which are concealed carry models. As Molonlabetn already has mentioned, retention device setups in this manner of carry often aren't the best choices.

In open carry, yes, I agree you might want to look into such holsters. If you just want to have more peace of mind, sure go ahead and get one.

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I never said they were "just" for cops. I said it was an answer "...more for a LEO need, than a civilian requirement". LEO/Military often put themselves in much closer quarters with the offender, than the general public ever should, due to the nature of their job. Thus they require such carry options. Your average Joe, unless totally caught off guard and jumped from behind, isn't going to require such equipment... especially if carrying concealed. This is where knowing your surroundings and purposely distancing yourself from the individual(s) comes into play... which is exactly what they teach you in your carry classes.

The OP mentioned the Bianchi Carrylok holsters, which are concealed carry models. As Molonlabetn already has mentioned, retention device setups in this manner of carry often aren't the best choices.

In open carry, yes, I agree you might want to look into such holsters. If you just want to have more peace of mind, sure go ahead and get one.

LOL, I know I am in the minority on this issue. I often hear the same answers that you just gave--not that they are wrong, but I simply like a little more security, and the Bianchi 5 costs me no extra time on my draw. I originally looked at their Carrylok series and decided that they weren't for me. Unsnapping the thumb-break is a natural part of my draw; I don't think I could unlock the Carrylok without adding more time to my draw.

BTW, the "average Joe" on the street will often be caught off guard, unfortunately.

How much longer on your Wilson?

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Guest Verbal Kint

BTW, the "average Joe" on the street will often be caught off guard, unfortunately.

Caught off guard and being jumped by closet ninjas who immediately start frisking you for weapons, are two different things. :biglol:

How much longer on your Wilson?

Around 5 wks I assume... haven't heard anything in regards to Wilson providing an estimated time of completion or bill of sale to my dealer.

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Guest Verbal Kint
Caught off guard and being jumped by closet ninjas who immediately start frisking you for weapons, are two different things. :biglol:


Aw, c'mon... don't roll your eyes. lol. We're just now getting to the "Lethal Weapon", "Die Hard", and "Jackie Chan" action scene scenarios. Being caught off guard, and being jumped and put into a strangle hold are two different things. That was all I was saying, by making the previous joke.

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Aw, c'mon... don't roll your eyes. lol. We're just now getting to the "Lethal Weapon", "Die Hard", and "Jackie Chan" action scene scenarios. Being caught off guard, and being jumped and put into a strangle hold are two different things. That was all I was saying, by making the previous joke.


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Guest Phantom6

My XD works well out of my Bianchi model 82 carry-loc. That has been my main carry holster for the last two years. It is fast, hugs the body well, ultra retentive and well constructed. It's never given me a problem. Since you (as am I) are in Oak Ridge, go to Greens Military Supply on Kingston Pike and pick one up. They are the cheapest place in the area that I have found these holsters.

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I think you have to try different holsters and see what you are comfortable with. My side carry and IWB have no retention systems. Neither does my BUG, of course. But if I expected to chase a suspect, I'd want something to keep the handgun in the holster.

But my Bianchi Military has a full cover flap and the shoulder holster has a thumb strap.

My preference is for no retention features unless there is a good reason for them, but as I said you need what makes you feel comfortable.

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Guest Cap and Ball

I carry a Sig p245 it rides strong side in a leather holster made by Galco. This holster doen't have a thumb strap or any kind of retention. My Sig set securely in the holster and I have never had any problem with slipage while running to the car in the rain. You are the one who will be carrying this pistol so you need to be comfortable physically and mentally with you equipment

good luck

Cap and Ball

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Guest Phantom6
I think you have to try different holsters and see what you are comfortable with.

Totally agree. Otherwise you are gonna end up with a drawer full of holsters and that can be a very expensive drawer of stuff you wish you hadn't bought but did and you'll never use again.

I should have mentioned that in my last post.:up: The Bianchi is what works for me but you gotta find what works for you. If you'd like to try one, get with me at the shoot on 15 Dec. and you can use mine for a while.

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Thanks for the offer Phantom6, but I will be out of town for that shoot. It seems like every time I go into Frontier Firearms, someone is bringing back a holster, and they seem pretty OK with exchanging it. I'll probably head that way and see what they have. I'm pretty flexable, so I'll probably be OK with whatever I decide on anyway. I also may take your advice and go look at Greene's. I know they don't sell guns there. Do you think they would have a problem with me bringing mine in to see how it fits?

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Guest Phantom6
Thanks for the offer Phantom6, but I will be out of town for that shoot. It seems like every time I go into Frontier Firearms, someone is bringing back a holster, and they seem pretty OK with exchanging it. I'll probably head that way and see what they have. I'm pretty flexable, so I'll probably be OK with whatever I decide on anyway. I also may take your advice and go look at Greene's. I know they don't sell guns there. Do you think they would have a problem with me bringing mine in to see how it fits?

No problem with that. The only thing that they ask is that you show 'em a clear pistol and let them check it prior to trying holsters. With the ND that they had at Guns & More over on Kingston Pike the other week that's certianly understandable. To beat all, that was done by an employee with his own pistol. :D No one hurt but it sure shook the place up. :koolaid:

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Guest Phantom6

I can't say one way or the other. Most of the employees there are Glocksters but I can not say for a fact that it was. If however I find out that it was, well...:koolaid:

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