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Favorite Movie?

Il Duce

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Guest Jamie

Anybody that has ONE favorite movie just doesn't like movies... :rolleyes:

SOME of my favorites are:


The Fifth Element


Pitch Black

Saving Private Ryan

The Quiet Man


All of the Bourne movies

Quigley Down Under

All but the first of Star Wars movies. ( Can't abide the kid in the first one. )

The Alien series

The Quick and the Dead ( Sharon Stone version, though I have the Sam Elliot one as well. )

The X-men movies

Iron Man

The Pirates of the Caribbean series

The Patriot



The Resident Evil series

Men in Black 1 & 2

The Blade movies, especially the last one.

I could go on, but y'all get the idea, I'm sure. ( I've thought of a dozen more just sitting here reading over my list. ;) )

No way I could narrow it down to just one. If I could, I probably wouldn't have 200 to 300 of 'em sitting on my shelves.


Edited by Jamie
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Guest jackdm3

Mike, I've given up on people sticking to OP's. Like how somebody here did a "5000 Posts" post :rolleyes:, but alot of dudes ignored the rules. All in good fun. But it does reflect the errs of the world. That's why we've had so many posts about our aggravations regarding adhering to the rules at ranges. Some are in too big a hurry to read.

We have a lot of topics that get rehashed here. The movie threads seem to be on a bi-monthly rotation. I can appreciate it when somebody gets into a SPECIFIC genre. THAT'S when it gets interesting.

Well since I've written this much already, "Raiders of the Lost Ark", to adhere to the OP.

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