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Refinishing Cabinets

Guest walkingdeadman

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Guest walkingdeadman

Well the wife informs me that I have another list of things to do for her around the house and that includes remodeling the kitchen.

She wants to refinish the cabinets in a dark cherry finish and replace all of the handles. I have done some cabinets in our master bathroom before, but that job was a quarter of the size that this one will be.

My question is does anyone have any info on how to strip these suckers down to the wood? I used a paste like material that hardened once applied and I must say it royally sucked using that stuff. Staining and sealing is not the problem. I just was wanting to see if there was an easier way to get the old stuff off easier. Thanks everyone!

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My wife hated out cabinets so she just painted them and I put on new handles and hinges. It was still a pain. I couldn't imagine having to strip them, it was bad enough using oil based primer to cover the original stained finish. Good luck with it.

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My experience with trying to stain previously-finished wood tells me you're in for some disappointment. Staining is the problem. Let us know how it works out for you, always willing to learn something.

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I have done some work in the past just need to tak eyour time. The best stripper I 've found is Called Citristrip (spelling might be wrong) either way it is an orange color past like substance. does not smell horiblle like other strippers and is biodegradable as well. I used this stuff when I was refinishing some gun stocks and it worked like a charm. Pour it, spred it evenly with a brush of some kind, let it set, wipe and there you are. ;)

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