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gregintenn last won the day on July 17

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1 Follower

About gregintenn

  • Birthday 07/19/1973

Profile Information

  • Location
    Lafayette, Tennessee
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Smiths, old Savages, Colts, and Winchesters.
  • Occupation


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Ruger LCP

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Postus Maximus

Postus Maximus (5/5)




Community Answers

  1. I’ve never felt the need to try anything other than the little tubes of Lee sizing wax.
  2. Ours isn't great either. Deer have eaten the green beans and peas. Coons have destroyed the corn. Between rain any my wife's insistence on traveling, I've let weeds pretty much take it over. We have had plenty of squash, zucchinis, tomatoes, and cucumbers. We have enough stuff froze and canned that I'm not real worried about it.
  3. In what way is this pistol superior to the scads of other sub compact 9mms flooding the market right now?
  4. I know this trooper. He was a great guy from what I know of him. These two clowns should have been in prison instead of out shooting folks. It's about time we hold some judges and DAs accountable for some of this crap, but how do we go about it?
  5. GlockSpock might be a nerd, but he’s OUR nerd!
  6. He could sing the fire out of “You’ll Never Find Another Love Like Mine”!
  7. He was hilarious! At 94, I’d say he had a pretty good run.
  8. Would have been nice if the federal government would have adhered to this procedure.
  9. Yep. Center mass is the most still and largest reliable target for taking down whatever can walk. I’m sure glad libs get their information from MSNBC and Hollywood, otherwise we’d have a different nominee.
  10. You’d likely be vastly more qualified to head the secret service than the gal in the position currently. There are many, many people better than me at most anything you can name. I am pretty good at a few obscure tasks, however.
  11. It's federal law, man! Title 6.
  12. I imagine I'll be labeled a liar, but I have been told point blank at a job interview, "We'd love to hire you, but we have to hire a black person." Looking back on it, I'm mighty glad it happened that way, but I sure wish they'd have told me before I drove all the way there and wasted my time and theirs. Hopefully, diversity truly enriched that company.
  13. I understand your point, but on the flip side, I wouldn’t likely hire an IT guy to frame a barn for me just for the sake of diversity. That’s about where this equal opportunity has gotten us so far. I guess what I’m trying to say is that while I understand the basic idea behind it, I’ve also sen it implemented in a real world environment, and it ain’t what was advertised.


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