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gregintenn last won the day on January 20

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1 Follower

About gregintenn

  • Birthday 07/19/1973

Profile Information

  • Location
    Lafayette, Tennessee
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Smiths, old Savages, Colts, and Winchesters.
  • Occupation


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Ruger LCP

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Postus Maximus

Postus Maximus (5/5)




Community Answers

  1. I stand corrected. Sorry. It’s still a cool piece in my opinion.
  2. It’ll no doubt be like the internet in that it will provide unlimited opportunity for those of us who chose to use it. It’ll also provide mind numbing crap like the current internet provides porn, videos of guys hitting themselves in the groin, and chickens wearing blue jeans. I’m more interested in finding the next big start up company to invest in that will be taking AI forward.
  3. We’ve been skiing down the dumbing down slope for quite a while now.
  4. It ain’t 2” or 4”. At least it doesn’t look to be in the pictures.
  5. This stuff sure seems to be moving fast!
  6. Sir, This gentleman passed away last year.
  7. I have not. It is simply a hypothetical situation. Something I’d rather not deal with, but I’m not a people person. So how would you handle it?
  8. What if you were open carrying in, let's say, a busy mall, and Karen walks up, gets in your face, and begins screaming and acting all crazy about your handgun infringing on her safety? She won't stop, and soon a large crowd gathers to observe the spectacle. How do you handle this? Personally, I handle it by conceal carrying. My nature is to try and go unnoticed all I can.
  9. You’ve got it, brother. Hang in there.
  10. I thought that was dodgeball.
  11. I'm leaning toward "both" armed only with the knowledge I've gleaned from this thread.
  12. Tumor gone does sound promising.
  13. Why on earth chase an expected problem? My head hurts enough without all that.
  14. Academy Sports at Rivergate is likely your best bet.


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