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Once again BHO disreguards the law and writes in what he wants to.

Guest redbarron06

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I can see that he's making these flagdrops locally topical. I just want to see less activity from him for awhile.:x:

We're not going to see less activity from any of them. The dog and pony show is just starting to heat up. We're gonna be swimming in BS all summer.

Time for me to spend less time on the internet, and more time pushing lead down the pipe :)

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That sucks. What business are you in?

I deal mostly with chemical plants all over the country. There's actually good activity from alot of them right now, even though it would seem to most that that type of industry is leaving the country. But I see it every day, they get a big project in the works that could even bring new jobs to their areas, but end up putting it on hold for months in order to see what will happen next in government.

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It could also be noted that even in an economy that was going downhill before Obama was elected, we had $ numbers in the millions right before that election, and after he was elected those numbers are lucky to reach even 1 mil.

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It could also be noted that even in an economy that was going downhill before Obama was elected, we had $ numbers in the millions right before that election, and after he was elected those numbers are lucky to reach even 1 mil.

Ouch. Most (but not all) businesses were off, but your situation sounds real serious. Hope it gets better soon.

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Ouch. Most (but not all) businesses were off, but your situation sounds real serious. Hope it gets better soon.

It's not really catastrophic to us, because the owner of my company along with our accountant are fairly smart where business is concerned. They knew this was coming, and planned accordingly while business was good. Instead of blowing all the large amounts of profit in that time, they used it to eliminate the majority of our overhead. There was a time when we needed at least $1.5 a year in sales to operate, were in good enough shape now to operate on 1/3 of that for a fairly long period of time if it comes to that.

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