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5 Real Life Soldiers Who Make Rambo Look Like a P....

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I'd like to add a sixth candidate to that list. Remember Col. Van T. Barfoot, the 90 year old Medal of Honor recipient whose HOA tried to make him take down his flagpole a few months ago? Well, when all of that was going on I looked up his MOA citation, out of curiosity. Here is a the citation, telling what he did to win it:

Taken from Medal of Honor Citations


Rank and organization: Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army, 157th Infantry, 45th Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Carano, Italy, 23 May 1944. Entered service at: Carthage, Miss. Birth: Edinburg, Miss. G.O. No.: 79, 4 October 1944. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty on 23 May 1944, near Carano, Italy. With his platoon heavily engaged during an assault against forces well entrenched on commanding ground, 2d Lt. Barfoot (then Tech. Sgt.) moved off alone upon the enemy left flank. He crawled to the proximity of 1 machinegun nest and made a direct hit on it with a hand grenade, killing 2 and wounding 3 Germans. He continued along the German defense line to another machinegun emplacement, and with his tommygun killed 2 and captured 3 soldiers. Members of another enemy machinegun crew then abandoned their position and gave themselves up to Sgt. Barfoot. Leaving the prisoners for his support squad to pick up, he proceeded to mop up positions in the immediate area, capturing more prisoners and bringing his total count to 17. Later that day, after he had reorganized his men and consolidated the newly captured ground, the enemy launched a fierce armored counterattack directly at his platoon positions. Securing a bazooka, Sgt. Barfoot took up an exposed position directly in front of 3 advancing Mark VI tanks. From a distance of 75 yards his first shot destroyed the track of the leading tank, effectively disabling it, while the other 2 changed direction toward the flank. As the crew of the disabled tank dismounted, Sgt. Barfoot killed 3 of them with his tommygun. He continued onward into enemy terrain and destroyed a recently abandoned German fieldpiece with a demolition charge placed in the breech. While returning to his platoon position, Sgt. Barfoot, though greatly fatigued by his Herculean efforts, assisted 2 of his seriously wounded men 1,700 yards to a position of safety. Sgt. Barfoot's extraordinary heroism, demonstration of magnificent valor, and aggressive determination in the face of pointblank fire are a perpetual inspiration to his fellow soldiers.

So, he single-handedly took out three machine gun nests with just grenades and his Thompson SMG then, later the same day, single-handedly faced down (and removed from the fight) two enemy tanks with only a bazooka and his Thompson - and basically scared a third tank into turning away (can you imagine standing on a battlefield, staring down three tanks and winning?), trashed a German field piece, THEN helped two wounded men to safety all while killing and capturing double digits worth of enemy soldiers along the way. Heck, pretty much anyone on the Medal of Honor recipient lists at the link, above, are genuine badasses - and make me feel like a helpless infant, by comparison.

Edited by JAB
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I'd like to add a sixth candidate to that list. Remember Col. Van T. Barfoot, the 90 year old Medal of Honor recipient whose HOA tried to make him take down his flagpole a few months ago? Well, when all of that was going on I looked up his MOA citation, out of curiosity. Here is a the citation, telling what he did to win it:

Taken from Medal of Honor Citations

So, he single-handedly took out three machine gun nests with just grenades and his Thompson SMG then, later the same day, single-handedly faced down (and removed from the fight) two enemy tanks with only a bazooka and his Thompson - and basically scared a third tank into turning away (can you imagine standing on a battlefield, staring down three tanks and winning?), trashed a German field piece, THEN helped two wounded men to safety all while killing and capturing double digits worth of enemy soldiers along the way. Heck, pretty much anyone on the Medal of Honor recipient lists at the link, above, are genuine badasses - and make me feel like a helpless infant, by comparison.

Wow! Like giunsablazin, I'm startin' to feel pretty wimpy...:taunt:

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