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2010 TGO Football Pick'em Pool

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This is just like the pool we did for the college bowl games . But we are going to be picking every NFL game and the top 25 college games for each week. It is a straight pick'em, you get one point for every game you pick right. There will be no charge to play. I will have a winners and runners up prize (probably some ammo). Please use your TGO screen name so we know who is who.

Go here to join : Join Pick 'em Pool PoolTracker Games

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Guest Bronker
We change your username to 'retard'.

Met Coach Caldwell yesterday. Took my son to a scrimmage, and got on the field. Totally off-limits to public, but my 8 year-old has a unique trait that he's able to talk people into anything, rules or no rules (ask Rightwinger). Before I knew it, my son was standing in the huddle with Coach Caldwell, the starting offense, and his favorite player, John Coles #83. I'm just along for the ride, watching from the sidelines.

Retard or not, I love my 'Dores.

Now, Crim, expecting big things outta your City Kitties in Memphrica?

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Guest Bronker
We change your username to 'retard'.

Oh yeah...my son's favorite saying, when Vandy is losing (10/12 weeks per year) is:

"I don't care Daddy...all of those UT players will be working for the Vandy players one day!"

He's quite a character. You'd have to know him.

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Guest Bronker
The 'crimson' in crimsonaudio is important.

Roll Tide!


I was afraid of that. Dang. I was beginning to almost begin to halfway consider to barely tolerate you too. :)


Surprised there was still room on the bandwagon.

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I was afraid of that. Dang. I was beginning to almost begin to halfway consider to barely tolerate you too. :dropjaw:

You made it longer than most...


Surprised there was still room on the bandwagon.

Yah, no doubt. I'm a mod on a Bama board (have been there since 2ooo or so) and attended Bama from 92-94 - I've stuck by through thick and thin, makes this much sweeter.

Edited by crimsonaudio
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Guest Bronker
...attended Bama from 92-94 - I've stuck by through thick and thin, makes this much sweeter.

Then you are credible!

My graduate degree is from Vanderbilt. They suck in football, so I'm a credible fan too; and just so you know I'm serious about my loyalties...I'm also a huge Washington Redskins fan.

Just to make things interesting...my undergraduate degree is from UT!

So truthfully, I'm a 'house divided'!! My wife attended UT.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Sgt. Joe

Thanks Jason for setting this up and even more so for the bumps as I had not seen this until just now.

I have been a Gator fan all of my life, my wife is a UT grad and my sister a Bama grad, one of my best friends is a huge GA Dog. I live for football season.

While I have drifted away from the pros the past 10 years I guess I will have to pay a bit more attention this year.

Again thanks to all involved in this......TGO ROCKS

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