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Wireless Surveillance Cameras?

Guest Lester Weevils

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Guest Lester Weevils

A few years ago old Dad bought an inexpensive 4 camera wireless system at Staples that works great for his situation. He has cameras just sitting on window ledges aimed outside for views of the sides of the house, and has one camera out on his back deck so he can watch coons and possums come up at night and eat the catfood he leaves out for them. The video wireless range is good enough to span the house and all the cameras are in easy range of a power plug.

I'd like something like that but the needed range of a couple of the cameras would be bigger and it would be rather inconvenient to run power feeds to the remote cameras.

We have a suburban house with some fenced in woods in back where the dogs are allowed to play in the daytime. I'd like to put a couple of cameras out there to keep an eye on em in the daytime without having to go to the back of the house and look out the window. Also, would like to see what kind of 2 legged or 4 legged critters might wander around out there at night.

It would be at least a 75 or 100 foot power cable run, which is do-able but would be hardly convenient. And am not certain if any of the inexpensive cameras have that kind of wireless range.

Caught one of the neighbor kids throwing a rock over the fence at one of the dawgs back there. I don't know all the neighbor kids and if it happens again would like to have a picture of the little hellion to give to the police. Am not the kind of person who thinks it is a great idea to chase the kid back home and knock on his door to find out how (un)reasonable his parents may happen to be. :) I've got enough problems already without looking for a neighbor feud.

Some of the IP camera systems look nice. There are lots of interesting looking systems.

Assuming transmission range was feasible, was thinking maybe I could build rechargeable battery packs big enough to run the cameras for 24 hours, and swap out battery packs every morning. That wouldn't be a whole lot of trouble. But the current draw of the cameras looks pretty high, especially when the IR LEDs come on at night. Haven't calculated necessary battery capacity, but it is surprising how big batteries have to get to supply small currents for long durations.

Solar battery pack might be an option, but solar panels don't work that great under shade trees. ;)

Any ideas?

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I have Linksys wireless cameras indoors, sitting on window ledges.

If you have to run a wire anyway, look at DC power over ethernet. An ethernet cable only uses two of the four pairs. Ethernet will easily do 100 ft rock solid, and won't eat bandwidth on your wireless network. Your biggest challenge will be getting the cameras to live outside unless you use outdoor cameras. If you put them in weatherproof boxes with windows, you'll have to heat the boxes. Shouldn't be hard to design. You will just need some ethernet wall jacks to do your power taps. I have been looking at a similar solution at work, but haven't had time to draw it up.

You will wind up hating the battery solution.

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Guest mustangdave

My subdivision has a set up that has a rechargable battery...and a solar panel...I'm a block capt for the NW...if you want I can get you more info

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Guest Lester Weevils

Thanks all for the good ideas.

Guess I ought to run power out there sometime, but ditch digging is such a fun thang (not).

Am pretty sure there ain't enough sunlight back there for a solar camera unless I raise the solar panel up on a 50 foot pole.

Been window-shopping all day on the interwebz.

Its a shame the range is probably too remote for a simple solution. Here is one system that looks pretty good and about as simple as could be, but it is doubtful if the cute little monitor/receiver could sit in the living room and receive a camera 50 or 100 feet past 4 walls.

LW2902 | Lorex Digital Wireless LCD Surveillance System with Recorder | Home Security Store

If I dig a ditch and run power out there, this Logitech Alert™ 750e looks pretty simple. Networks thru the power wiring, and about any system is gonna need power anyway.


Alternately, was reading about outdoor CCTV cameras that appear to deliver power and video thru a single cable, so maybe it would be as simple as anything to put a wired CCTV up 15 feet on a tree out there, and fly the cable out there from the second story eave of the house.

Also saw a few IP cameras pre-configured for POE (power over ethernet) as Mike Gideon mentioned. Guess I could fly a POE cable the same way.

Maybe the simplest way to get feet wet is just get a decent trail cam? I couldn't view it real time, but could get pictures/movies of nocturnal critters or hellion kids misbehaving near the fence gate. And it would be easy to move the trail cam around to different locations out there. There are plenty of trees out there to strap a trail cam to.

Hadn't ever shopped for a trail cam. Surveying Cabelas user reviews (which seem to be pretty accurate), surprise surprise the only highly-rated trail cams are pretty expensive. But if it was pretty durable, might be a fun toy.

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Guest 73challenger

They make direct burial ethernet cables. I would look into that and a camera that uses Power over Ethernet(POE). Axis makes nice stuff but it's pretty expensive. I would check ebay.

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I've used these before. Not that strenuous to use. It does most of the work, you just guide it along...............unless you have large rocks. Even then, if you can get the direct bury cable mentioned above and get it some depth with the trencher, it might be easier than you think. The labor you have to exert is pushing the dirt back in the trench, which is much easier than actually digging the trench.

The Home Depot Tool Rental - Trencher

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