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I'm looking for an app to run credit cards in the field for my business. There seem to be a ton of them just can't figure which one is a good reliable company. If anyone knows or uses their droid like that. Sorry if I jacked the thread.

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Guest m&pc9
I'm looking for an app to run credit cards in the field for my business. There seem to be a ton of them just can't figure which one is a good reliable company. If anyone knows or uses their droid like that. Sorry if I jacked the thread.

I just signed up with squareup.com . I saw them on Fox news. I havent used them yet but looks pretty good.

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Guest Oaklands

I d/l Scanner Radio last night. Pretty cool, had to drive to Dalton today from Morristown and listened to the scanner for sheriff dept, city police and EMS on the way home. Had it playing through my stereo in the truck. Was pretty neat.

Also, I got the app Drive Safe, so text messages coming in our read to you and some other nice driving features. Now I can hear a text, speak my reply and send w/out having to fumble a lot with the phone. Of course texting is not legal, so this makes it much better. Touch it no more than touching a GPS going down the road.

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The problem with scanner radio, and others like it, it depends on someone local in that area dedicating a scanner and having it setup correctly. I have compared the one for Oak Ridge to my actually scanner. They seem to be missing part of the trunk channels. I am no expert but that what i noticed, I have mined configured a bit different and get a bit more.

Since we are on Scanner Radio, don't consent to a search in KY and get caught with that app.

Man Charged With Possession Of Illegal App - The RadioReference.com Forums

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Guest Broomhead

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Angry Birds.

DroidLight is good if your Droid has a camera flash, make an easy, bright flashlight.

Pandora or Slacker are excellent, they take a song, artist, or composer that you search for, and the app will play other artists, song, or composers that are similar. There are features that allow you to "teach" the app what you do or do not like.

Advanced Task Killer will let you "kill" apps that are running in the back ground and are sucking up your phones resources.

Lookout is a spyware, malware, and virus scanner and killer.

If you have little kids and want to entertain them at Dr's offices and such, then get Toddler Lock. It locks all the buttons and functions on the phone and then will draw either shapes or lines where you child touches. To get back out of it you just tap the four corners of the screen clockwise.

If you misplace your phone then Fetch It (Lite) is a life saver. You simply set up a word in Fetch It, that you won't get in a text normally. Then, when you lose your phone, have someone text that word to your phone. Fetch It will override any muting or silencing and will buzz/ring and vibrate until you get your phone and turn it off.

The Walgreens app is very helpful too. The feature I like the most is you can "scan" the bar code on your prescription bottle with your camera and it will send it to the pharmacy along with when and where you want to pick it up.

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Guest RevScottie

Any of you guys with the Droid X have trouble with the volume of your bluetooth ear piece? I have all of the phone volume settings as well as the ear piece as loud as they will go and it is barely adequate when I get in a noisy environment.

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Guest m&pc9
Thanks! I'll have to look into that one. The credit card app that is.

I finally got to use it today. It was a lot easier than the way I did it before. And they sign on my phone with their finger.

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Guest m&pc9
Any of you guys with the Droid X have trouble with the volume of your bluetooth ear piece? I have all of the phone volume settings as well as the ear piece as loud as they will go and it is barely adequate when I get in a noisy environment.

I had one of the Verison ear pieces and it was hard to hear even on 100% volume. Something quit working on it so I went to Walmart and bought a Motorola ear piece and I now keep it on about 60% and it is plenty loud.

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I finally got to use it today. It was a lot easier than the way I did it before. And they sign on my phone with their finger.

I have read mixed reviews. Let me know the wait time on your money going into your account. also do they have a max amount you can run?

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Guest m&pc9
I have read mixed reviews. Let me know the wait time on your money going into your account. also do they have a max amount you can run?

According to their site. No limit but when you go over 1000 for the week they will hold the over amount for 30 days. In case you have a charge back. But it says you can have that limit raise after you get a track record.

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