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Modified Zombie Popper, old school

Guest soe

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I bought this Chinese coach gun new, but damaged, for very cheap. The stock was pretty busted up and the original barrel had damage right over the chamber. I got creative with the stock and lucked out to find a replacement barrel locally.

So, it ain't pretty, but with a little work it's more or less ready to blast some walkers.


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Guest whoa5oh

i've got an NEF single shot that resembles that. but i kept the shoulder stock to mount a shell holder to, it's an extremely compact hole puncher

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I haven't! Today was gonna be the afternoon to see if the wood repairs I did will hold up to some shooting at a friend's property (Should be interesting), but I got caught in a honey do project. Hopefully Thursday.

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I took it out today and it did great. I even shot a few things out of the air :P

I was a little worried that the wood repair wouldn't hold up but it did fine.

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Cool those hammered double barrels supposed to be some of the highest lived guns made. As sprints are unstressed when hammers dowplus you have 2 firing mechanisms. I used to have a matte nickle stoeger coach gun. It was beautiful but kicked brutally with high brass

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