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Smoky Mountains trip

Guest gtmatt

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Guest gtmatt

Hello, I'm from Georgia and I'm looking at taking a 10th anniversary trip to the Smoky Mountains area. I've been to Pigeon Forge before but I'm not big on the huge amount of tourist trap stuff there. I've heard Gatlinburg is similar. Anyway, I've seen some of the Gatlinburg threads posted in this section and wanted to ask a few questions, some of which refer more to TN law in general. I have a Georgia Weapons License which is recognized by TN. I will use "license" when referring to it, apologies if y'all's are called "permits" or something else.

Warning: long post with lots of questions.

I understand that there are not a whole lot of specific places that are off-limits by law, but the whole "no guns" sign thing is how most places become off limits. There is a requirement for posting at all entrances, substantially similar language to what is listed in the code, etc. Does this apply to parking lots of said buildings? I would rather not patronize such places but would like to know anyway. I am used to ignoring "no guns" signs here in Georgia when needed since they have no legal weight on their own, so I'm going to have to be careful to pay attention.

I plan to attend church on Sunday (traditional Southern Baptist, if anyone has one they can recommend). If a church runs a kindergarten program or such, does that cause the whole church grounds/certain buildings/whatever to be off-limits or not? This is one of the places y'all have it better than us in Georgia, since all "places of worship" are off limits by law here.

Is there a duty to inform deputies/officers of being armed when approached for any sort of interaction? I drive the speed limit and don't drink, so I don't think I'm going to have a problem there but I'd like to know. Is there any sort of case law related to whether LEOs may remove weapons from citizens at will (i.e., without any indication the citizen is a danger to the officer or others, etc.)? I will not resist such if it happens but will state my desire not to be disarmed or searched. Does some sort of additional ID have to be presented with a firearms license (Georgia's licenses have no photos, just name & address, etc., but don't have to be updated when you move, so mine has a different address than my driver's license). Oh, and is TN a one-party recording state, or does it have some other law against recording interaction with law enforcement without their knowledge/permission?

As far as I understood from reading, TN makes no distinction between OC and CC. Do officers respect OC generally, or would I be asking for an investigatory stop/"disorderly conduct" charge, etc.? Can/do officers make a stop based on seeing a concealed weapon become unconcealed (accidentally) for the purpose of finding out if the person has a license? That is, can an officer have PC/RAS that someone carrying a firearm in public is committing the offense of carrying without a license just by seeing the firearm?

Are there any laws on where weapons can/cannot be stored in a vehicle? Any related laws that would be helpful to know about carry/storage in vehicles? May bring a long gun or two if there is somewhere to shoot, if that makes a difference.

I was looking at staying on the North Carolina side of the Smokies because it is less of a tourist/commercialized area, but then I did more research and saw how bad their laws are (no carry where admission is charged for entry, can't go in restaurants that serve alcohol, "going armed to the terror of the public" law that can be used against OC, etc.). So at least y'all got the restaurants stuff fixed (last year?). Probably gonna shock the NC cabin rental lady I was talking to when I tell her that her state's firearms carry laws are going to make her lose business.

Some non-firearm-related questions, if I may without being out of line for this subforum. If so, I can split the topic up and make a new post in the appropriate place.

Recommendations on a private cabin with good privacy & views? My preference is to deal with a personally-run place, not a management company. I would like to stay out of the town areas with tons of people. So maybe somewhere around Townsend or Wear's Valley? Modern conveniences like full kitchen, Internet, hot tub, and HGTV (wife loves that channel) are desired.

I'd love to hear any recommendations on local, non-chain restaurants (we eat standard American/Southern food) and anything fun to see/do. Are there any outdoor shooting ranges in the area? Known pro-firearm places of all sorts are of course a plus.

Thanks for any help you can give a neighbor to the south.

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Some of your questions answered...

...There is a requirement for posting at all entrances, substantially similar language to what is listed in the code, etc. Does this apply to parking lots of said buildings?

Yes, parts or all portions of a property can be posted, including parking lots.

If a church runs a kindergarten program or such, does that cause the whole church grounds/certain buildings/whatever to be off-limits or not?

Debatable. Not sure there is a definitive answer.

Is there a duty to inform deputies/officers of being armed when approached for any sort of interaction?

No. But think that majority of folks here would agree it's overall a good idea.

Is there any sort of case law related to whether LEOs may remove weapons from citizens at will...

Yes. For officer's or your or general safety is reason. I wouldn't debate it if it happens.

Seems to be fairly rare anymore.

Does some sort of additional ID have to be presented with a firearms license ...

Only if asked for.

Oh, and is TN a one-party recording state, or does it have some other law against recording interaction with law enforcement without their knowledge/permission?

Don't think so, but not 100% sure. Possibility to piss a LEO off, though.

As far as I understood from reading, TN makes no distinction between OC and CC. Do officers respect OC generally, or would I be asking for an investigatory stop/"disorderly conduct" charge, etc.? Can/do officers make a stop based on seeing a concealed weapon become unconcealed (accidentally) for the purpose of finding out if the person has a license?

LEOs can ask to see permit at any time. Generally won't.

Are there any laws on where weapons can/cannot be stored in a vehicle? Any related laws that would be helpful to know about carry/storage in vehicles?

Any location fine with permit. With permit you can have loaded long guns in vehicle, but NOT ONE IN CHAMBER.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Guest 6.8 AR

I don't know what you are willing to spend a night, but I recommend this one: BLACK BEAR CHALET

It's in Wear's Valley and I doubt you can beat the view. My brother owns it, but doesn't manage it.

You can get lost in that cabin, and the bears do come around:D

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I highly recommend that you contact the Tennessee Department of Safety. They can provide you the "official" rules. There are some attorneys on the forum as well who may be able to better interpret the nuance of carry with an out of state permit/license. I have investigated carrying in Georgia, but not the opposite. I don't think there are, but there could be nuances with the reciprocity agreement between Georgia and Tennessee.

Oh, and is TN a one-party recording state, or does it have some other law against recording interaction with law enforcement without their knowledge/permission?

Don't think so, but not 100% sure. Possibility to piss a LEO off, though.

Tennessee is a one-party recording state, and follows the minimal federal guidelines. As noted above, you may be running the risk of ruffling feathers if discovered. Most jurisdictions use car cams, and their recording should be discoverable if you have an issue. Attorneys, please correct me if I am wrong.

Edited by quietguy
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I highly recommend that you contact the Tennessee Department of Safety. ...

I recommend you don't. The phone person is probably a temp who knows more about Saturn than TN carry laws.

Not even sure the rank and file there are really hip on the laws beyond the permitting process.

- OS

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Guest EyeOfMidnight

I live in the Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg area. I know a number of police officers in both departments. Pigeon Forge might be ok to open carry in, but I don't recommend open carrying in Gatlinburg. There's more of an anti-gun sentiment in Gatlinburg than there is in Pigeon Forge. It's perfectly legal, but I'm letting you know this to potentially minimize your likelihood of harassment. As for postings, there are close to no places posted in either town.

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I understand that there are not a whole lot of specific places that are off-limits by law, but the whole "no guns" sign thing is how most places become off limits. There is a requirement for posting at all entrances, substantially similar language to what is listed in the code, etc. Does this apply to parking lots of said buildings? I would rather not patronize such places but would like to know anyway. I am used to ignoring "no guns" signs here in Georgia when needed since they have no legal weight on their own, so I'm going to have to be careful to pay attention.

Just to add on this one - they recently changed the law so that a simple Gunbuster sign (red circle and slash with a handgun symbol) has force of law, no language required.

If they ONLY have a worded sign, then the language has to state that it is a crime to carry past a posted sign and that in fact the location is posted. Though the symbol alone is sufficient to prohibit. If only the door to the business is posted, but not the parking lots, then you can leave your gun in the car and go on in. I suggest a good car gun safe rather than just tossing it in the glove box, especially in touristy places.

This site is a pretty good reference and has links back to the state web sites:

http://www.handgunlaw.us/states/tennessee.pdf. The actual laws are the final deal but that site also has links to Attorney General opinions which tend to determine how the laws are enforced.

Edited by JC57
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Guest gtmatt

Thanks for the replies and info. I do have a lockbox that I can use in the vehicle if needed. I have lookedat handgunlaw.us, but I know it is prone to error, especially in the nuances of the law. I've sent them some corrections for Georgia over the years, but it is sometimes hard to explain the intricacies of firearms laws in such a short space. So I figured I'd come here where people were likely to know the ins and outs.

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