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Mosin Nagant in my closet

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yup...it's there. I'm not dreaming. I have one. 1920 hex with the bore from hell. Still shoots though. I can hit a pieplate at fifty yards...in the lower right quadrant. It was more a "let's shoot it and see if I want to buy it" than a real bench test. So...I cleaned it...and cleaned it and cleaned it...boiling water, brass brush, boiling water, patch after patch after patch of KROIL and Hoppes and suddenly it looked REALLY bad...like peeling wallpaper or paint flakes struggling to stay on the windowsill and failing.. Another pass through with the brass brush and boiling water and there's severe crud in the bottom of the water bucket...like CHUNKS!. Wow..it has lands...and grooves and they have edges and they're shiny like and sparkle and stuff. But the patches are still coming out grey and look like the oil from a crankcase with a thrown rod. My arm is sore...I soaked a patch with CLP, left the bore wet, and we'll hit er again tomorow. Gathering up the used patches reminded me of the aftermath of a quilting bee. Oh...108.00 out the door. the only one!

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It is one of the simplest firearms I have ever held. It feels like HISTORY though. Hey...one more thing. I noticed the rear sight wasn't exactly straight. So I becan to look. The rear of the rear sight is tight to the barrel while the front is raised just a tad. There's a folded up paper under the front of the front sight. I wonder what it says?

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Guest HvyMtl

Ok. Let us know when they turn blue. :rolleyes:

No seriously, look down the barrel and tell us what you see.

These things were dunked in cosmoline, and left in the vat too long. But man, they are FUN to shoot.

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I see sharp lands and deep grooves. Took a 20 guage brass brush to the chamber and then a 20 guage mop to follow. The bolt glides now. I had the bolt in my hand and "accidently" released the cock. Bizzaro...pieces ...and a shiny firingpin. Now that I can actually see the markings it's a 1928 Izhevsk Bow and Arrow (pre 1928)

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the stock is nearly stripped of finish..but it's how I got it. All the markings are very clear. A multitude of barrel and receiver stamps. All the major parts match and it's a hex with the metal and screwed sling slots. It's pretty cool...for commie junk. Hey Garufa...your PC line is exactly how I see history. One of my Anthro professors assigned the Study of NA wives married to Europeans as compared to NA wives married to NA husbands. "Prove the premise that NA wives were better treated by NA husbands." If you use the original documents from Hudsons Bay journals it's easy to see they weren't. I got a terrible grade because I didn't use his "suggested reading list" all of which were written by "revisionists." I did read them...no references before 1930 and not one single comment by NA wives married to white husbands. We have lost our history. We'll lose our past next.

Edited by bajabuc
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nope..not a Finn. If I could afford to pay for premimum membership I'd post pics. Can I post links? If so I'll post some pics to facebook.

No premium membership required to post pics as far as I know. Just post em to a photobucket or Google Photos (Picasa) account and put the link here. There are specific instructions floating around here somewhere.

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I wondered about the stock as you described the sling attachment, maybe I read it wrong.

My 91-30 came with metal loops like you described, never had seen them and originally thought it was some home made addition. Then I read about Finnish stocks, so I assume my sling attachment was courtesy of the Finns.

i am not sure if my rifle is a Finnish capture as there is no rearsenal mark on the rifle but the stock most definitely is a Finn.

Let us know how yours shoots.

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I need a range...probably Saturday at the Rifle Range Road one. I'm getting pretty old and sorta shakey. Some times my mouse clicker goes nuts. The old part is bad..the wife likes the stuttering mouse clicker.

We worked on Bucnball's Finn. Last week he said it was clean... it is NOW. I'm afraid to take it apart it's not like any of the videos or Collecting and Shooting the MilSurp rifle pages. The handguard is split and there's screws and splices all over the place. Barrel is 1942...I wanna take it apart and see the date on the tang...heck. Well...that didn't work. The Finn has something very sturdy on the barrel band screws and they turn so far and quit. The front of the stock has the dovetail replacement but the gun is 51 inches long. so it's not the shorter Finn with the nice taper to the stock. I remain afraid to tske it apart!

Edited by bajabuc
another day another dollar
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When I got my son his 91/30 the barrel looked like a smooth bore. It took me five hours work just to see the lands and groves. I've spent over ten hours with MPRO7 copper remover and Hoppes #9 and it's just now starting to look good. I have to admit that I am having fun getting it squared away.

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Guest HvyMtl

Ok. A bit confused. Which Mosin type we dealing with here? Is it a Finn model, or is it a 1891/30?

I got some links on how to take these things apart.

If it is a Finn M39 - (I have one - Sk.Y 1942 with war stock and 1897 Tula receiver...)


Finn M28-

Collecting and Shooting the Finnish m/28 - Disassembly/Reassembly


Collecting and Shooting the Military Surplus Rifle (2006) - Surplusrifle.com

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according to 7.62by54 website...my rifle...being dated 1928 (barrel and receiver) was manufactured to be a Dragoon, since that arsenal stopped making M91's in 1924 or 26 and made Dragoons and Cossacks until 1930 when they started building 91/30's. Many Dragoons were remanufactured as 91/30's I'm probably reading it all wrong and some one of you experts are entirely welcome to jump down my throat about it. All I know is what I read online. it's the right date and it's the right length..the front sight is wrong for a dragoon and the handguard has blued steel endcaps...but they said they remanufactured the dragoons...so

The Finn belongs to bucnball and is really one...and a real mess

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