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Does anybody have any experience with the Kel-tec PLR-22?

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I have the plr 16 which is close enough to make a few comments. First, its very large and heavy and esp front-heavy for a pistol, making it a bit odd for conventional style. Its more suited to bench shooting or hip-shooting than traditional 2h hold it out in front of you, the front heavy issue makes the weight issue worse than usual.

Second, while kel tech guns are inexpensive and fulla plastic, they are also backed by a great warrenty and the company tries hard to fix any issues folks have. The model I have has not had any failures so far or major issues. I had a hard time getting a scope to fit on it properly, but the gun itself is great. They are cheap, but if it breaks you can feel good that KT will repair it for you.

For good cheap fun, its a winner.

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