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Herman Cain the Black Walnut

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Guest Lester Weevils

Dunno one way or t'other whether Cain did the unsubstantiated deeds.

The accusing women seem to have in common financial troubles, sexual harrassment accusations against multiple parties, and various lawsuits and legal hassles. Trainwrecks. Then again, maybe that is Cain's favorite type!

From the little I've seen of Cain's family, they seem much nicer people than typical candidates, except Ron Paul. Cain's kids seem great and his wife appears gracious and genuine. Compare that with Gingrich's spouse. Mrs Gingrich III on TV gives me the creeps. Mrs Gingrich III seems likely to be a first lady from hell.

I don't care about indecent private behavior provided it is not excessively exploitative. If I had lots of money to blow, would have collected way too many closet skeletons to run for public office. The most plausible campaign excuse might be-- "Yeah I'm a scumbag but don't worry about me stealing yer money because I've already got plenty."

Of course that excuse would not be credible because most people gifted with the money-making gene don't ever seem to get enough money. They always want more. Ain't sayin, "at some point you've made enough money." Just an observation that them who can get often seem compulsive about it.

If I ever got a million in the bank would retire immediately if not sooner-- A characteristic having a correllation coefficient of at least 0.999 with folk unlikely to ever make much more than pocket change. :biglol:

Some say that Cain is too smart to run for high office with skeletons in the closet, but on the other hand that didn't discourage Gary Hart, John Edwards, Anthony Weiner, Bill Clinton or numerous Kennedy's. None of whom were complete idiots.

"You don't have Cain to kick around any more, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference."

Edited by Lester Weevils
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You can't prove a negative.

Regardless who the candidate is, if the press keeps giving publicity to these women without first vetting their stories, eventually it will bring them down.

But they wouldn't be giving these women the press if they were accusing a Kennedy or a Klinton or Edwards.

True this.

I agree with many previous posters that Cain is probably done. I'd still vote for him, and respect him more for staying in until the primary is over. Even if some of the allegations are true, Americans are a forgiving people with short memories.

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funny how whoever rises to the top of the polls gets blown up. While the Big O just keeps on skating.

I am sure there is dirt not yet invented about Gingrich, and I can't wait until Romney is at the top of the heap, By then he will be the last option. Woohoo can't wait to see what they have on him. It ought to be good.

I almost wonder if the Republican candidate will be someone who has not announced just yet.

I like Cain, I don't care about any baggage whether it is true or not. I would not be suprised to find out old Honest Abe was dipping the wick. Of course there was not the scutiny that there is now.

The general election is already cooked, guarentee a fix is in. Get ready for four more years.

Edited by Mike.357
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