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To get a g22 or g23 that is the question.


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Ok so I bought a sub2000 glock mags 40 and absolutely love it. Bought 8 31rnd mags and have function tested all of them and they are flawless. I have never been a glock fan and have always struggled with glocks because of the grip angle. So here is the question, do I get a g22 or g23 and learn to love it because they can share mags? Or do I stick with what I shoot well and leave it at that because I need to be confident in the firearm I carry? I keep thinking get a 23 and shoot the hell out of it and then if it becomes second nature begin to carry and if for some reason I can't get the muscle memory down on it sell it and break even. Choices, choices. If keltec would have only made a sub 2000 with M&P mags.....

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Guest bkelm18

You shouldn't have to "learn to love" a gun. You either love it or you don't. If you don't like shooting the Glock, it's not likely you'll grow into it. Spend that money on ammo and just keep shootin' what you like already.

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You shouldn't have to "learn to love" a gun. You either love it or you don't. If you don't like shooting the Glock, it's not likely you'll grow into it. Spend that money on ammo and just keep shootin' what you like already.

+1. Ugly women with lots of money, you can learn to love. Guns that don't fit your hand, or you just don't like?...not so much.

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Guest samoanbob

I bought a sub2000 that takes g17 mags a while back - fun gun to shoot. About six months later, I talked myself into buying a g19 thinking I would eventually get used to it. I haven't and can't seem to shoot it very well either. I guess I just don't like guns with a big butt. If it doesn't feel good now, it probably never will.

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Guest BenderBendingRodriguez

I'll just throw it out there that I never cared for Glocks until I changed the way I grip a handgun (for all guns, not just Glocks). Not only greatly improved the feel of a Glock in my hand, it also greatly improved my groupings and speed. Don't force yourself to like something, but don't write them off forever, either. You never know when something will change for you.

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I switched from a much beloved G22 to a G23 three years ago. With an HCP I wanted a gun I could carry comfortably. I know, I know, everybody should be able to carry a full sized Desert Eagle .50 AE in a Smart Carry with no problem. Just doesn't work for me. I also have some problems with the Barrett in the IWB holsters. Just stupid I guess! Maybe because I actually do carry all the time, in all modes of dress.

The G23 carries much easier with light dress (Summer, Spring and Fall.) I am not a competition shooter nor do I do any precision shooting at mid-ranges so the shorter barrel doesn't handicap me. G22 or G23? Purpose should dictate.

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As far as should you buy a G22 or G23 because you have magazines that will fit it, if the wheels on your car fit a Ferrari would you buy a Ferrari just so you could take your wheels off and swap them out? Doesn't make a lot of sense does it? 22 Vs. 23, I have a 23 and a 27, and no I didn't buy the 27 just because I can put 23 mags in it. I don't like carrying the 23 except in the coolest of weather. I'm 5'8" 150lbs so it's not really easy for me to conceal. The 23 has been relegated to a range gun and I wish if I just had it to shoot I would have gotten the 22. Just my opinion.

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