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War without America


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Anything’s possible, but “Mutually Assured Destruction†is still in force. If they had a missile, and if they launched it, they would have to do it knowing that their leaders and many of their people will be killed immediately.

The threat of a nuclear attack may be real, but an EMP that can disable our ability to launch our missiles or defend ourselves is not. Even if there was EMP capability that could take out the mainland (There isn’t anything close), our ballistic submarines are all over the world.

This stuff is just fear mongering to get support for blocking other countries from having nuclear weapons.

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This may be dumb. However wouldn't we be able to stop a nuclear launch by shooting it down or some matter like this? Sounds very movie like but hell IDK.

It would be pretty hard to hit something flying in excess of Mach 5, even if you were in the area and ready for it.

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It would be pretty hard to hit something flying in excess of Mach 5, even if you were in the area and ready for it.

Yeah for some reason I thought I heard we have a small window of stopping nukes in the air. Probably heard it from War Games or something like that.

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Yeah for some reason I thought I heard we have a small window of stopping nukes in the air. Probably heard it from War Games or something like that.

I thought that was the purpose of the missile defense systems like Aegis BMDS that we have continued to work on.

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Consider that all nuclear detonations have an EMP burst. We've known this since the first one we set off. We build our defense equipment to be resistant to EMP because of this knowledge. It's a non-issue from a defensive standpoint. The rest of us may be replacing TV's, microwaves, cell phones, and refrigerators, but our military will still be capable of kicking butt as usual.

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Consider that all nuclear detonations have an EMP burst. We've known this since the first one we set off. We build our defense equipment to be resistant to EMP because of this knowledge. It's a non-issue from a defensive standpoint. The rest of us may be replacing TV's, microwaves, cell phones, and refrigerators, but our military will still be capable of kicking butt as usual.

If it's big enough to trash all that stuff, it's going to trash transformers, especially the subs-station xformers hanging off long runs of high power lines.

IOW, if it's bad enough, you won't care what the military is or isn't doing.

But the point is, launching a 1.5MT+ nuclear weapon to 200+ miles is no easy task, and even then it's not going tone 100% effective.

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Sure I will. I can deal with not having electricity. Not having electricity and having to deal with the threat of an invading foreign power would be much more problematic. And, as you said, the grid damage would be hit or miss.

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