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Way To Go! Clinton 55% vs Obama 45%

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Well I'm psyched. This is just great. I am soo happy Hillary pulled out the win, reviving her campaign when everyone else was jumping ship to Obama.

The Dems have truly put themselves in a horrible position of internecine strife, almost guaranteeing a McCain win. And these people think they can govern?? They can't even control their own party, how are they supposed to run a country?

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Guest darkstar

It's going to be an interesting summer with those two. Wonder what kind of wheeling and dealing is going to go on to see who gets the nod from their party.

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Congrats, Barak Hussein Obama, the beneficiary of the democratic process. .

The next Dem primary is in Indiana. I lived there 3 years- 1986-1989. Indiana is a mixed bag, an interesting demographic. On the one hand, it is southern, like Kentucky, and on another had, it is liberal Catholic, like Chicago. Park County, Indiana, used to be considered to northern outpost of the KKK. And folk from NW Indiana all seem like they should be from Chicago.

I predict Obama the winner.


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I am truly curious as to what dirt the Dem's have been digging up on McCain.

Right now they are screwing each other up, but come post Dem Convention their sights will be on McCain.

Does he have ghosts in his closet?

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Guest killemducks

I think we are beginning to see that the Dem party doesn't think that Obama is electable. I think we will see the tide swing back to Hillary. If you add up the electorate college votes from each state that both has won, including Fl and Mi, Hillary is up almost 2-1. (according to newt gingrich on hannity radio this afternoon)

And, adding the popular vote of all states that have voted, Hillary is ahead. The Florida and Michigan flub up is extaordinary. We haven't heard the end of these two states yet.

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I think we are beginning to see that the Dem party doesn't think that Obama is electable. I think we will see the tide swing back to Hillary. If you add up the electorate college votes from each state that both has won, including Fl and Mi, Hillary is up almost 2-1. (according to newt gingrich on hannity radio this afternoon)

And, adding the popular vote of all states that have voted, Hillary is ahead. The Florida and Michigan flub up is extaordinary. We haven't heard the end of these two states yet.

I think more likely is the convention will be deadlocked and they will come up with a compromise candidate: Al Gore. Obama will be VP and Hillary SecState.

Gore is a uniter and in the view of many was already elected president once.

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Guest Steelharp
I think more likely is the convention will be deadlocked and they will come up with a compromise candidate: Al Gore. Obama will be VP and Hillary SecState.

I just threw up in my mouth a little right then...

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I just threw up in my mouth a little right then...

Like most of America.

But Gore is the logical choice. He is even a Nobel Prize winner.

It wont stop the Dems from losing this election. Say what you want about McCain, but he is the republican most democrats would vote for.

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as a former democrat I like McCain, he reminds me of what Democrats used to be.

Them people have gone off the deep end int he last 15 years and have lost a lot of the old core support I think.

I still wonder what dirt can be dug up on McCain.

I also believe Gore won that election.

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Guest kwikrnu
It wont stop the Dems from losing this election.

I agree I don't think there is anyway a Republican will win.

A failed war. Gas prices go from $1.50 to $3.50 and probably higher. Food prices going up.

Obama, Hillary, Gore one of them is going win.

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I agree I don't think there is anyway a Republican will win.

A failed war. Gas prices go from $1.50 to $3.50 and probably higher. Food prices going up.

Obama, Hillary, Gore one of them is going win.

Did you agree or disagree with my statement that Dems are going to lose?:)

That "failed war" seems to be going pretty nicely right now. The commander just got a promotion.

McCain will run as an "outsider" (despite being in Congress for like 20+ years) so those issues wont really hurt him.

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Rabbi i believe the lying and conniving Katheryn Harris stole Forida from big Al and that is why your boy W got elected.

I voted in Florida and I saw the ballots being used. I firmly believe that a whole lot of old, befuddled Jews in Delray Beach voted for Pat Buchannon believing they were casting for big Al. I saw the ballot first hand, voted on the same machines. I honestly remember seeing it and thinking to myself "wow I bet a lot of people screw that up" And of course I was right.

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