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I gave myself a birthday gift

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No, unfortunately, it wasn't a new firearm that I'd so love to have. It was a "start to a healthier me". A 1 1/2-2 mile walk is just what I needed.

I'm 6'3", and well over 400lbs. Honestly, I've been scared to step on a scale (even if I could find one to weigh my fat a$$), so I could be much closer to 500 than I'd like to imagine. Bottom line--I'm fat, and it's well beyond time for me to do something about it.

I'm gonna attepmt to do this at least 5 times a week, maybe more. Luckily, I have a friend who's also quite fat, and she's agreed to walk with me. This will really help with the motivation factor.

Anyway, I'm on my way to a Brad Pitt physique.

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Guest bkelm18

One of the toughest things is doing something about a weight problem. I know, I've been there. Sounds like you made a choice to live a healthier life. Congratulations and don't give up. Reaching a weight goal is one of the most satisfying experiences in life. Keep up the good work.

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Guest Medic908

Congratulations! One of the first and most important steps to a lifestyle change!

Motivation is key and it's great you have someone to help you!

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Guest GT_Rat

Excellent choice to make for yourself. Don't forget that you have to change your diet as well. I don't necessarily mean go ON a diet but definitely change your eating habits. I'm not in your league as far as weight loss but a few years ago I was getting to be over 200lbs. For my height and build I was about 50 lbs or so overweight. What helped me most was making a conscious decision to stop eating, not when I was full, but when I wasn't hungry anymore. It's a hard decision to make when you still have half a plate full of something that is really tasty. Doing this I dropped 50 lbs in about 5-6 months. Now I've gained about 20 back because I've fallen into the same bad eating habits but I'm getting back into jogging again and I'm starting to watch what I eat again.

Another thing to consider at your weight would be gastric bypass. My mother just had it done recently and she's dropping weight fast. Surprisingly the doctors were able to get insurance to cover a lot of the cost.

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Another thing to consider at your weight would be gastric bypass. My mother just had it done recently and she's dropping weight fast. Surprisingly the doctors were able to get insurance to cover a lot of the cost.

Thank you, everyone, for all the support.

Yes, I thought about the Gastric Bypass, and even went for a meeting at the hospital. My insurance wouldn't cover it, though. After looking into it, I know I can do this on my own. it will undoubtedly take much time and effort, but I can and will do it. I'm a single father of a beautiful 9 year old daughter, and she should be motivation enough.

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Congratulations on your decision to better yourself. Stopping eating when I am full and not when the plate is finished has helped me a lot too. If you combine that with a regular walking routine you will really see changes. You might want to get your daughter to start going with you too so she will get healthy habits. I know my dad forced me too when I was young and I am so glad he did. I am nowhere near fit, but if it wasnt for him I would definitely be a hefty kid.

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