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Whats for Mothers Day?

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So with Mothers Day just around the corner I just realized I haven't picked up a single thing for my dear olé mum,not even a card :D

I dunno,I might just take her out to eat somewhere,and maybe buy her a bottle of vodka :D

Anyhoo,whats coming your way for Mothers Day?

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Guest eyebedam

I bought my mom a 8 megepixel digital camera with all the accesories & told the wife to go by herself whatever she wanted.

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Guest canynracer

mom is in CA...I think I will mail her some 16rd mags...LMFAO...phone call, and she got the picks of the grandkids in nice frames...also had a calendar made...

alll warm and fuzzy, happy mommy...

now, what did I get my wife???uuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmm......I am pretty sure I am in trouble there...

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Guest canynracer
she ain't your mother.

yep, thats what I said....but then the kids are broke, so, they are pissed off, but making home-made cards, and I told them they need to make her breakfast and clean the house, course, mom would LOVE that!!! :D

she gets to sleep in...LOL

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Guest Natosha
she ain't your mother.

She is still the mother of your children. You should still celebrate it for her. My son isn't old enough to get me something but Freddy made sure I had a card from Jude and one from him. :D

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Natosha says

She is still the mother of your children

I always thought today was to honor ones own mother, which includes grandmothers,

Hallmark has made it into a honor all mothers day.

Anyway in interest of peace I went to the store this morning and bought a nice hanging basket of some sort of flowers each for my wife, my mother inlaw and my daughter.

Mom still just gets a phone call LOL

Oh and Happy Mothers Day to all you Mothers out there.

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Guest sharpshooter01

I am cooking for my mom and mother in law, as we speak the ham is in the oven with potato casserole. I got my wife a digital pic frame from our 11 month old daughter.

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Guest Angel 24/7

I got the most beautiful pair of 1/2 carat diamond ear rings. Xdshooter rules today! I think I will keep him around!

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Guest jackdog

Hallmark the maker of special days. What a racket. Sue Got a nice breafast in bed and the pups all got her a card. the kids called and sent cards flowers and 400 rounds of 9MM amo. She had a lovely day.

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