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Nickel plating in Nashville

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Any body have a lead on someone who does plating in the Nashville area? I have a few small guitar parts I'd like to get done. I've found a few places on the google but hopefully someone has some first hand experience or better yet does this for a living.

Thanks for any advise.

<EDIT> also would not be terribly opposed to shipping as the parts are small enough to fit in an envelope, if anyone outside the Nashville area has any info.

Edited by TrickyNicky
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if they are small I wouldn't mind to polish them for you for free, it should only take a few minutes. Obviously the polish isn't going to last as long as plating though even if I seal them.

the only thing I don't want to do is mess with pieces that have a lot of holes or crevices because it takes so long to polish that stuff.

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Think that's what he is wanting to do, from saying he was gonna scuff it up with steel wool. My post was probably confusing because most people think polishing only makes things shiny, but we refer to brushed and matte finishes as polished as well... Just makes it easier.

On a flat surface, nickel plating will look almost identical to chrome except it holds just a bit more light

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if they are small I wouldn't mind to polish them for you for free, it should only take a few minutes. Obviously the polish isn't going to last as long as plating though even if I seal them.

the only thing I don't want to do is mess with pieces that have a lot of holes or crevices because it takes so long to polish that stuff.

Thanks so much! I'm waiting on the order so I'll let you know if/when. I also may use the chromed part as a template to build one out of rosewood in which case I'd hate to have you do the work for no reason.

Cerakote may work, but I would be worried about the possible reaction between that and the nitrocellulose laquer I'm using. Don't know if they'd be compatible or not...

Thanks again for the kind offer Sam1, that's very generous of you.

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No problem at all, we're new in the area and neither one of us know anyone (except the few people we work with) so we need to stat making some connections

Edited by Sam1
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No problem at all, we're new in the area and neither one of us know anyone (except the few people we work with) so we need to stat making some connections

Very true! But... How did you know I'm new to the area with no friends? You spying on me bro? Lol

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