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My understand is that you can PM the seller as a non-benefactor and that the idea of only benefactors being able to reply was to cut down on the negative posts.

Eh, yall are quick. I've never understood the PM sent thing anyways.

Edited by sigmtnman
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The point of being able to respond.....

questions benefit everyone. like, when was it made, what caliber is it, etc.

PM sent or "ill take it" --- public record in case of dispute between who responded first. For whatever that does.

Moderators can put the smack down on inappropriate comments without a forum wide ban. Seems a bit heavy handed, there were not that many negative or bad comments (but way, way, way too many "durr I gots one of them" posts).

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This is the way it's going to be. It's not going to change. We tried it the other way before and people kept trying to screw the system and slide things in for sale under the radar.

As others said, use the PM feature to contact the seller. If they're not smart enough to notice that they have a new PM waiting for them, there's not much I can do to help.

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