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F-16 takes out SUV

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In 1994 I was present when an F-16 crashed into a C141 at Pope AFB. Several troops were injured/killed from 20mm shells that 'cooked of' because of the heat from the jet fuel. These fellows were extremely fortunate.

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In 1994 I was present when an F-16 crashed into a C141 at Pope AFB. Several troops were injured/killed.....

I was there.

Had just left Green Ramp after checking to make sure we had everything ready for the jump.

I saw the fireball and the aircraft falling toward the pre-jump area.

We lost several good Airborne Troopers that day.

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Back in my Army days I used to spend quite a bit of time out on our aerial gunnery range.

Sometimes after our AH-6's or Blackhawk's were done for the night the AC-130 gunships would use the range.

If we didn't get packed up and out of there before they came on station we had to wait until they left before we could go home. (This was usually about 0100-0200 hours)

Let me tell you, it gives you a funny feeling in your stomach to hear a AC-130 tearing up targets just a couple of hundred yards away. Especially when you don't have comms with them, you have no idea what they are engaging, and all you can do is hope they don't decide to shoot at you.

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Back in my Army days I used to spend quite a bit of time out on our aerial gunnery range.

Sometimes after our AH-6's or Blackhawk's were done for the night the AC-130 gunships would use the range.

If we didn't get packed up and out of there before they came on station we had to wait until they left before we could go home. (This was usually about 0100-0200 hours)

Let me tell you, it gives you a funny feeling in your stomach to hear a AC-130 tearing up targets just a couple of hundred yards away. Especially when you don't have comms with them, you have no idea what they are engaging, and all you can do is hope they don't decide to shoot at you.

Amen to that bro!

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Guest FroggyOne2

When I was with the Marines (I was a Corpsman), one of the squadrons that I was attached with (VMFA 333) went to Yuma, AZ for bomb practice. I was invited out to the forward observation post to watch. Well a couple of the F4's got a little close with them 2000 pounders, needless to say.. it was a defening experience.. these guys I hope count their blessings.. they were truly very lucky!

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