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seems to be a common pattern

Guest kj4gxu

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Guest kj4gxu

Seems that I frequently see a post on here where someone says "My wife and I applied for our HCP at the same time, hers is done mine's not" and the answers are usually people saying something along the lines of "Same thing happened to me, my wife and I applied at the same time hers took 8 days mine took 12"

Is it just me or is it common that the women take a shorter time for the background check?  Anyone seen the reverse happen where the woman's permit took longer than a man who applied at the same time?


My wife and I applied at the same day, the DOS was a little slow that day so we completed our apps about an hour apart, hers first.  We completed fingerprinting within 5 minutes of each other the next business day(again, hers first).


Her application is complete and says allow up to 10 days for processing and mailing, mine is still pending.

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That's the way ours went except I finished fingerprints and DMV 2 days before her and she still got hers sooner. I assumed it was because she had had a complete background check a year or so ago for a job.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

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Guest MinorKey

our situation was a complete reversal... mine came in a couple weeks... hers took almost two months. Other than she is a Veteran and I am not, i am not sure what it could be. Seems like that would make it easier because they still own her freakin DNA.


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Guest kj4gxu
Based on these responses i'd say my initial statement had been disproven. Thanks for the input. My permit was approved on friday. Now to wait on the mail.
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