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Libertarian Party ... How I Wish....

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Guest Verbal Kint

I don't recall anyone complaining about the media coverage of Desert Storm, or the initial campaign in Afghanistan when it had public support.

Guess you don't remember the Navy Seals landing on the beach, and CNN with their lights and cameras there waiting to meet them. News of their landing was leaked ahead of time, and they set up shop waiting for them. Was all over the news. The operatives had the look on their face, obviously showing the moral debate in their head, on whether to shoot the ****ers or slink off slowly into the water again.

Or the fact that Saddam was watching the CNN coverage (he was a big CNN fan) getting better intel from our own reporters than his own military advisors.


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FWIW, I plan on enlisting in the military after I graduate law school, but I don't plan on suspending all of my opinions on war until then.

I'm proud of you son! :rolleyes: Whish I would have when I was your age.

I don't recall anyone complaining about the media coverage of Desert Storm,

I did. You are probably too young to remember the gruesome pictures of the Highway of death. It ended the war and far too early in my opinion. If those pictures weren't ever published, we probably would not be in Iraq now. War is Hell and there are some things about Hell we are better off not knowing about.

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Guest Verbal Kint

I did. You are probably too young to remember the gruesome pictures of the Highway of death. It ended the war and far too early in my opinion. If those pictures weren't ever published, we probably would not be in Iraq now. War is Hell and there are some things about Hell we are better off not knowing about.


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To me, there is a difference between reporting the war and trying to sensationalize every combat operation. Civilians sometimes die. I don't think the media needs to be giving biased reports to boost ratings about civilians being killed and having people back home screaming for their heads. That young man has been through enough without some super hyped up media coverage when he engaged an unknown in a tense situation. Then politicians get involved with something this small, demand more control over the war, and our soldiers get stuck in a cesspool of red tape. Maybe there are some cold blooded killers over there, I don't know, but I bet the military men can handle their own trials of those troops, if there are any, without your and my help or hindrance.

Their is a big difference between media coverage and inflammatory sensationalized journalism to get ratings. !@#$ that ****. I love watching footage of the war, but I don't need to take a poll on whether this guy or that action was right or not.

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Guest Verbal Kint
To me, there is a difference between reporting the war and trying to sensationalize every combat operation. Civilians sometimes die. I don't think the media needs to be giving biased reports to boost ratings about civilians being killed and having people back home screaming for their heads. That young man has been through enough without some super hyped up media coverage when he engaged an unknown in a tense situation. Then politicians get involved with something this small, demand more control over the war, and our soldiers get stuck in a cesspool of red tape. Maybe there are some cold blooded killers over there, I don't know, but I bet the military men can handle their own trials of those troops, if there are any, without your and my help or hindrance.

Their is a big difference between media coverage and inflammatory sensationalized journalism to get ratings. !@#$ that ****. I love watching footage of the war, but I don't need to take a poll on whether this guy or that action was right or not.

Very well said. :rolleyes:

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Would that be a mental disability :rolleyes:

I wonder after reading a scientific report on PTSD earlier today.

FWIW, I plan on enlisting in the military after I graduate law school

That's very imaginatively patriotic. If you had actually done that before going to law school, you could have explained to your fellow students and professors why they are full of ****.

Let me know when you enlist. I have a gift I send to military guys as they deploy.

Edited by Marswolf
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That's very imaginatively patriotic. If you had actually done that before going to law school, you could have explained to your fellow students and professors why they are full of ****.

Let me know when you enlist. I have a gift I sent to military guys as they deploy.

It's going to be a while, I've still got 4 years left in college. There are patriotic motives, but my decision was also affected by selfish interests. JAGs get some of the best experience available right out of law school, and Uncle Sam can help with those loans that are going to start piling up.

Plus, maybe if I get to know the right guy they'll let me shoot the fifty. I've always wanted to fire a warning shot across the bow.

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It's going to be a while, I've still got 4 years left in college. There are patriotic motives, but my decision was also affected by selfish interests. JAGs get some of the best experience available right out of law school, and Uncle Sam can help with those loans that are going to start piling up.

Plus, maybe if I get to know the right guy they'll let me shoot the fifty. I've always wanted to fire a warning shot across the bow.

Yeah, but the Army understands this stuff. And they will pay the bucks up front.... You didn't know that?

But if you want to shoot the fifty, it should be from the turret in Baghdad. Doesn't sound like you expect any combat experience. Back to square one....

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The army will pay up front, but when I tried to enlist they told me I was disqualified since I used adderall (it show's up as meth on the drug test). They said I could try again after being off of it for a year so I'll be talking to a recruiter again in the next six months or so to see what they can do about paying for law school.

As far as combat, I don't really want to kill anyone if I can help it. I know it has to be done, and I respect the hell out of you guys that do what needs to be done in that respect. When I initially tried to enlist I was going to do para-rescue with the air-force, but as mentioned above, that didn't work out.

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Guest AeroEngrSoftDevMBA
What does being Christian have anything to do with anything?If I said I wasn't a Christian what would you do?

I wouldn't do anything. I don't care what you are. I haven't even said what I am (but I think from my comment you assume I'm Christian?). For all you know I could be a Christian, Muslim, Atheist, or something else.

I already apologized to Tungsten for asking the question. He was right that it was none of my business.

And as I said before, one of my issues with the GOP is the pure hypocrisy of their so-called alignment with the religious right and their willingness to kill. I just don't know how they rationalize that contradiction.

On the flip side, one of my problems with the left is their seeming hatred of Christianity but tolerance of everything else. Obviously this is a generalization, as was my comment about the GOP.

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On the flip side, one of my problems with the left is their seeming hatred of Christianity but tolerance of everything else. Obviously this is a generalization, as was my comment about the GOP.

I'm not a christian, but this bothers the hell out of me. If a Muslim wasn't allowed to leave class to say prayers in the hallway there would be a supreme court case with the ACLU making all kinds of noise all the way. Christians can't even pray before football games.

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Guest unreconstructed1

As for Universal military service, If I knew that it would be service protecting THIS country, I'd be all over it. however, i see no reason for us to fight wars for every third world country on the globe, just because they're too damn lazy to fight themselves.

I attempted many time sto enlist out of High school. the fact that I didn't have my diploma stopped me cold in my tracks.

As for Iraq being the "nexus of the AL qaieda movement", I thought that was afghanistan.

oh, wait it was until we went to war with them, then "intel" proved it was somewhere else.

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  • Administrator

As for Iraq being the "nexus of the AL qaieda movement", I thought that was afghanistan.

oh, wait it was until we went to war with them, then "intel" proved it was somewhere else.

Who do these terrorist cells think they are, moving around constantly like this and making it harder for us to kill them???

You need to go back for that diploma.

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Guest Verbal Kint


Was actually going to say the same thing, in reply to his comments, but had faith someone else would come along and do it for me. Should have known it would be my brother. ;)

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Guest unreconstructed1
Who do these terrorist cells think they are, moving around constantly like this and making it harder for us to kill them???

You need to go back for that diploma.

so basically you find nothing wrong with the executive Branch being able to declare war against anyone, just as long as they first declare them a "center for terrorist activity"?

actually, if you remember, we went to war with Iraq over weapons of mass destruction, not their alleged ties with Al qaieda. while the story may have changed after no such weapons were uncovered, that was their initial "official" reason. Now, if you truly believe that load of BS that the FED tried to feed you, I've got some oceanside property in downtown Nashville that I'm seling cheap if you're interested...

since it was brought up in an obvious effort to discredit the points that I have made, I did go back and get my GED. out of a possible 800, I made a 720. 410 is passing, 500 to 600 is considered an excellent score. when I took the ASVAB battery several years ago, I scored a 92 QT. it should be noted that I am not an idiot. I have spent a vast majority of my life studying history, with a special interest of constitutional history.

now, it is obvious that this debate has come to the end of it's usefulness. You haven't convinced me of your viewpoint, and I obviously haven't convinced you of mine. since ya'll have already went straight past the topic at hand and have tried to make this personal, I figure I'll just bow out before ya'll make any more direct personal attacks at me, which may provoke me to make personal attacks at ya'll, which would of course violate the rules of this forum.

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so basically you find nothing wrong with the executive Branch being able to declare war against anyone, just as long as they first declare them a "center for terrorist activity"?

actually, if you remember, we went to war with Iraq over weapons of mass destruction, not their alleged ties with Al qaieda. while the story may have changed after no such weapons were uncovered, that was their initial "official" reason. Now, if you truly believe that load of BS that the FED tried to feed you, I've got some oceanside property in downtown Nashville that I'm seling cheap if you're interested...

since it was brought up in an obvious effort to discredit the points that I have made, I did go back and get my GED. out of a possibl e800, I made a 720. 410 is passing, 500 to 600 is considered an excellent score. when I took the ASVAB battery several years ago, I scored a 92 QT. it should be noted that I am not an idiot. I have spent a vast majority of my life studying history, with a special interest of constitutional history.

now, it is obvious that this debate has come to the end of it's usefulness. You haven't convinced me of your viewpoint, and I obviously haven't convinced you of mine. since ya'll have already went straight past the topic at hand and have tried to make this personal, I figure I'll just bow out before ya'll make any more direct personal attacks at me, which may provoke me to make personal attacks at ya'll, which would of course violate the rules of this forum.

Edited, this type of ignorance isn't worth my time to respond.:)

Edited by Warbird
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Let me ask a simple question.

Forget about why we,where we,what we,and who we did what to.

Are we safer,better yet is this world safer,and much better without the dictator Saddam in power?The same man that throughout history lead a reign of terror on not only his people,but others as well

Edited by strickj
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