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House vote permits guns in more places

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House vote permits guns in more places

By TOM HUMPHREY, tomhumphrey3@aol.com

April 19, 2007

NASHVILLE - In a surprise move, a House panel voted Wednesday to repeal a state law that forbids the carrying of handguns on property and buildings owned by state, county and city governments - including parks and playgrounds.

"I think the recent Virginia disaster - or catastrophe or nightmare or whatever you want to call it - has woken up a lot of people to the need for having guns available to law-abiding citizens," said Rep. Frank Niceley, R-Strawberry Plains. "I hope that is what this vote reflects."

As amended, the legislation still wouldn't allow guns on school property, however.

Niceley's bill aimed to let people holding handgun carry permits take their weapons onto state park property, which is now forbidden.

But when Niceley brought the bill before the Criminal Practice Subcommittee, a branch of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Rob Briley, D-Nashville, promptly proposed an amendment to expand its scope.

"We've been piecemealing this thing year after year," Briley said. "Why don't we just let you take your gun anywhere you want to?"

Tennessee's handgun carry law includes a listing of places where permit holders are forbidden to take their weapons. Briley has proposed an amendment that repeals a provision prohibiting guns "in or on the grounds of any public park, playground, civic center or other building facility, area or property owned, used or operated by any municipal, county or state government, or instrumentality thereof."

With very little debate, the amendment was quickly approved on a voice vote with only Rep. Janis Sontany, D-Nashville, chairman of the subcommittee, audibly shouting, "No!"

She then asked Niceley if he had any comments before the bill, as amended, faced a final vote in the panel.

"I'm in shock, and I can't talk," replied Niceley, though quickly adding he thought Briley's proposal was "a good amendment."

The panel then approved the overall bill, sending it to the full House Judiciary Committee for a vote next week. Briley is chairman of the committee.

Niceley said afterward that Tennessee should join other states that basically allow licensed people to take their handguns "anywhere they want."

The Briley amendment does not go that far, having no impact on separate provisions of the law that, for example, forbid guns on school grounds, in courtrooms or in establishments that serve alcoholic beverages.

But Briley, Sontany and others said afterward that it would allow permit holders to take their guns on most other state, county or city government property - including the Legislative Plaza, where signs are now posted to prohibit weapons except those carried by law enforcement officers.

Briley said in an interview that he and a handful of other legislators in subcommittees have borne the brunt of harsh criticism from some gun owners for opposing past efforts to "nibble away" at restrictions on where handguns can be taken.

"This has been on the backs of just a few people," he said. "Now it's time for other people to stand up and say, 'We want these protections in the law' - or not."

Asked about Niceley's comment that the Virginia Tech slayings earlier this week had awakened people to the need for easing of restrictions on licensed holders of handgun carry permits, he replied in the negative.

"Anybody who would make an attempt to score cheap political points over that tragedy and what we did in (the committee room) is disgusting and sick," he said.

Sontany said she thought Briley acted unwisely "in the heat of the moment" and that the bill ultimately would be defeated.

Niceley said that critics of the handgun carry law protested when it passed that "wild West" situations would be created, but permit holders have proven themselves responsible over the years. He said he knows of only one case where a permit holder used a weapon in a violent crime.

In Tennessee, 172,828 people held legal permits as of January, according to Mike Browning, spokesman for the state Department of Safety, which issues the licenses.

Rep. Curry Todd, R-Collierville, said he had decided earlier to give up this year on his push for legislation to allow permit holders to take their handguns into restaurants serving alcoholic beverages, feeling it had little chance of passage.

Todd said, however, that he has been approached by another legislator about a push to allow handguns on college campuses though "I don't know if this is the proper time to do that" in light of the Virginia Tech shootings.

Tom Humphrey may be reached at 615-242-7782.

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Guest Kingfish
Anyone know the bill number on this? I don't see the amendment listed on any of the current legislation.

Found it...


The amendments haven't been added yet.

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Here is the correspondence between my local rep. I emailed him this morning and already received a response:

Mr. Taylor,

Thank you for your note. I agree with your assessment and have

sponsored legislation to allow those of us who have permits to carry

weapons into restaurants. I am the prime sponsor of the castle doctrine

bill that I hope will pass the Senate Judiciary committee next week.


-----Original Message-----

From: wbtaylor1@comcast.net [mailto:wbtaylor1@comcast.net]

Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 10:45 AM

To: Paul Stanley; Brian Kelsey

Subject: Firearms Legislation

Dear Honorable Senator Stanley and Honorable Representative Kelsey,

I am sure you are aware of the recent tragedy at the Virginia Tech

campus. This tragedy should serve as a wake up call to us as Americans

that there is a growing problem in our country. Recently a bill has

been released to the floor of the congress that would allow the carrying

of firearms in publicly held buildings and state parks. I would urge

you to support this bill and to go one step further to allow the

carrying of firearms where ever a person has a legal right to be with

only a few exceptions. The simple fact that no other person on the

campus was legally or illegally for that matter carrying a firearm is

what lead to the high death rate on the Virginia Tech campus. We have

the same problem in Tennessee. Criminals have unfettered access to

firearms and do not obey the laws on the books that prohibit carrying

them in places such as parks, schools, or the local restaurant that

serves alcohol for consumption on premises, yet we tie the hands of law

abiding citizens and pr event them from carrying a firearm with a valid

permit in these places. The law already acknowledges that these are

responsible people and trusts them (us) to leave our firearms outside in

a vehicle where it is easy for a criminal to get access while we are

enjoying a meal with our families or walking our dogs in the park.

Please remove the binds from our hands. Allow us as citizens of the

United States, with a right guaranteed by the Constitution, to carry our

firearms in places where we might need them to protect ourselves or our

families. Please don't make criminals out of us.

Thank You

William Brian Taylor

P.S. I gave him this website as a resource if he wants to "get together" with a group of Tennessee Gun Owners.

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If Naifeh does do that again, a lot of voters need to go to their Democratic Representatives and make it plain that they expect a public promise from them to not vote Naifeh back in as Speaker.

Naifeh should have been lynched by the House for his arrogance the last time.

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  • Administrator
If Naifeh does do that again, a lot of voters need to go to their Democratic Representatives and make it plain that they expect a public promise from them to not vote Naifeh back in as Speaker.

Naifeh should have been lynched by the House for his arrogance the last time.

If you leave a man in power too long he quits looking out for the interest of his constituency and starts looking out for his own best interests. Naifeh's ouster from State government is long overdue.

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Yes, it's time to get very loud very fast and get as many other voices into this as we can. You know what they say,"make hay while the sun shines."


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If you leave a man in power too long he quits looking out for the interest of his constituency and starts looking out for his own best interests. Naifeh's ouster from State government is long overdue.


I have been saying this for years about ALL levels of politics. There is a reason why the American President is limited to 2 terms. I know it hasn't always been that way, but it is now and if we shouldn't have a President for more than 8 years, we shouldn't have ANY person in office over 8 years. Too many of them get elected and then the sheep keep electing them, or they redraw the district lines to get them re-elected. I know that ultimately the people are the ones who are the true term limiter, but too often these people run unopposed, because no one thinks they can beat them.

Damn, it might be time for me to throw my hat in the ring for local politics.

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Guest macho999

I agree with Saints on the term limits. From following politics it seems the longer someone is in Nashville or Frankfort or D.C. the less in touch they are with reality. It's like college in a way, every idea is equal and all that garbage.

Look at Chuck Schumer, he's been a legislator since he was 23 years old.

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I emailed my representative. (Michael Williams) today and asked for his support in this bill.

I also called his secretary and she acted pretty stunned that I knew about the goings on in my own legislature!

I don't know whats going on with that...but I voiced my support for the bill (she sounded like she didn't want to get into any sort of conversation with anyone who had any opinion about it, either way)

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Guest db99wj
Here is the correspondence between my local rep. I emailed him this morning and already received a response:

P.S. I gave him this website as a resource if he wants to "get together" with a group of Tennessee Gun Owners.

Hope you don't mind but I used your letter! :D

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Guest db99wj

Cool, thanks! I like how it was written and what it said. It hit the key points, good guys follow the law, bad guys don't, good guys need to have the ability to carry more because the bad guys are already.

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Maybe I should consider running for State House in District 6 next year... That might be a fun way to pass the time.

Whoever suggested term limits hit the nail on the head. Every elected official should be subject to them. 12 year limits for both houses, including sitting members at both state and national levels would be just dandy.

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