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2014 Spring Turkey Hunting Thread

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They didn't gobble good for me this morning. I did hear a few but they  would only gobble at owls. Later up in the morning about 10:30 I was covering some ground crow calling, yelping, and cutting trying to locate one and walked right up on a nice longbeard and ................ ran him off. :rant:

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[quote name="roverboy" post="1140835" timestamp="1398009164"]Set up on this morning that was gobbling his head off but, when he flew down he went the opposite direction. He was still gobbling his head off at every call I made. Some toms have a place that they just want to go.[/quote] Same problem here. Set up triangulated between 3 gobblers on different hilltops. They all went the opposite direction... I hate turkeys. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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I hate 'em too.  I had 'em gobbling on roost 3 days in a row, but they keep flying down, shutting up and running to their harem.  Saw some running and gunning mid day each day, but they were quiet and henned up and didn't come to my sexy-talk.


Yesterday I set up mid day at the bottom of a ridge overlooking a nice plowed field next to a creek.  Called and heard a gobble.  So I get set up for some action.  Few minutes later a tractor comes through plowing and off flies old Tom and a hen.


So....decided to just go to my fishing hole (no hunting allowed, just fishing).  Get there and hit the call just for giggles to see if I heard a gobble.....quiet....kinda surprised as this place is loaded with turkey....so I go ahead and fish for an hour.  Come back up the hill, load up my vehicle and get ready to leave.  Get in, start up, and start to pull out and a dang Tom flies up 20 feet to the left.  Guess they're being hush-mouthed for a bit.+


I guess I've worked 5 birds, seen a half dozen more and no luck over the weekend.  Still beats working.

Edited by homeagain
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Folks, please be careful out there. This incident was an accident, but should have been preventable. Know where your hunting partners are and know what's beyond your target. I hunted opening weekend in Alabama with the young man that shot his friend. They are all experienced hunters. I'll ask you to say a prayer for all involved. [url="http://www.al.com/news/anniston-gadsden/index.ssf/2014/04/man_shot_in_apparent_hunting_a.html"]http://www.al.com/news/anniston-gadsden/index.ssf/2014/04/man_shot_in_apparent_hunting_a.html[/url] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Edited by whiskey
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I hunt maybe 2x a year with a buddy.  Get swept no telling how many times by his muzzle, and he's very safety conscious.  That's why I usually hunt alone.  Get more accomplished, and don't get Cheneyed that way.  Sucks dragging deer by yourself, but worth it not to get swept (or dead).

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Stupid goblets would not leave the woods today. Gobbled like fools but didn't come to the field. I'll be up in the woods while it's good and dark tomorrow. They will likely run to the field... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Whiskey, SAME thing happend with me.  Gobbling their heads off.  I probably heard 150 gobbles today but never had one come out into the field I at least was hunting in.  Saw 5 hens.  3 hens came to my decoys and farted around for 2 hours, yep...2 hours at my decoys.  Not ONE gobbler showed up.  They didnt respond much to my calling either which was surprising given how active they were.  Oh well, I always learn something!


On a side note.  I had an adult Fox come up behind me and stand next to me at about 10 years.  I could have spit on the thing!  He never knew I was there.  I already put my gun off safe in case he ran out to my decoys but when he saw them, he stared at them for a few seconds and then turned around and ran off.   That was so awesome.  I love the woods.  

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I got to the woods just before sun up. Four does watch me put on my leafy suit about 100 yds away in the open field like I ain't no biggie to em. Shut the door......gobble. Walk toward ole tom and crunch a stick....gobble. Owl hoot.....gobble. Get set up, let the sun come , fly down cackle and hat....gobble. This dang bird gobbled at me calling, coughing, everything....cutting me off like it was prom night in turkey town.....had I farted the bird probably woulda gobbled at that. I bet I followed this one for a mile trying to set up ahead of him, the whole time he was gobbling like crazy....probably gobbled a hundred times. No dice but a whole lot of fun
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I am tagged out. Got my last bird yesterday evening. He came in gobbling and I shot him at around 45 yards. He had a 6 1/2 inch beard (he had beard rot) and 1inch spurs. My goal was to harvest 4 mature birds so im happy about my season.




Edited by ShaunM
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