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NJ Gun Law Critic Targeted By State Police

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NJ Gun Law Critic Targeted By State Police 72 Hours Prior To Hearing

I know...this could never happen in Tennessee, right?  I guarantee you that there are politicians in office right now (and three practically jump to mind) who would do this in a heartbeat if they thought for one moment that they could get away with it.  "1984" is truly here and moving across the country from both coasts.

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NJ Gun Law Critic Targeted By State Police 72 Hours Prior To Hearing
I know...this could never happen in Tennessee, right?  I guarantee you that there are politicians in office right now (and three practically jump to mind) who would do this in a heartbeat if they thought for one moment that they could get away with it.  "1984" is truly here and moving across the country from both coasts.

The story says he was contacted and asked to come in over two weeks ago; he refused. So much for the timing.

He doesn’t want to discuss what the allegations are; so how we to believe there is some great conspiracy at work here?

Can the NJ State Police issue an arrest warrant? Edited by DaveTN
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NJ Gun Law Critic Targeted By State Police 72 Hours Prior To Hearing

I know...this could never happen in Tennessee, right?  I guarantee you that there are politicians in office right now (and three practically jump to mind) who would do this in a heartbeat if they thought for one moment that they could get away with it.  "1984" is truly here and moving across the country from both coasts.



Thanks for posting this up, Robert.  This is very interesting indeed. 


The timing would appear suspicious based on the information in the article.  I look forward to more details in the coming days/weeks.

Edited by sigmtnman
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The story says he was contacted and asked to come in over two weeks ago; he refused. So much for the timing.

He doesn’t want to discuss what the allegations are; so how we to believe there is some great conspiracy at work here?

Can the NJ State Police issue an arrest warrant?

Showing up to "address" their suggested "intentional" obfuscation would be a basic admission of guilt to a spurious charge.  I would make them come and get me too.


From the article:



Mr. Kaleda declined, correctly deducing that presenting himself to make such changes would be viewed as an implicit acknowledgement of actually committing the offense of falsifying the document, essentially admitting to guilt of a technical violation.

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Showing up to "address" their suggested "intentional" obfuscation would be a basic admission of guilt to a spurious charge.  I would make them come and get me too.
From the article:

Okay, I’m not sure what that was all about. If I was contacted by the Murfreesboro PD or Rutherford County’s Sherriff office and they wanted me to come in; I would go. As I have said before I do not fear the government, or the Police... I also know enough to know that if I am suspected of committing a crime and refuse to cooperate they will find me and it may not be at the best time (at work). This guy’s claim that it is to keep him from testifying at this meeting makes me think he is a nut case. Of course that is just based on reading that article. I could be wrong, it could be a grand conspiracy between the State Police and the DA.
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About an hour ago, James (the "nut case" according to some) reported that he was arrested this morning.


He also posted this story on his page about this woman...These New Jersy cops really know how to treat their citizens don't they!





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Guest 6.8 AR

Okay, I’m not sure what that was all about. If I was contacted by the Murfreesboro PD or Rutherford County’s Sherriff office and they wanted me to come in; I would go. As I have said before I do not fear the government, or the Police... I also know enough to know that if I am suspected of committing a crime and refuse to cooperate they will find me and it may not be at the best time (at work). This guy’s claim that it is to keep him from testifying at this meeting makes me think he is a nut case. Of course that is just based on reading that article. I could be wrong, it could be a grand conspiracy between the State Police and the DA.

I understand your position and would, maybe in some cases, do the same, Dave. But I would politely ask how I could help before I volunteered

to make their job too easy for them.


Once, I was the subject for an arrest warrant, one that was bogus as could be. A tenant of mine called the police in Clarksville while I

was in Erwin, TN, about as far away in this state as one could be. I called a police officer and inquired about it. The cop was rude and

only said to come in. I said I was at work on the other end of the state. He told me I had to come in, and I told him whatever is so damned

important he needed to come get me. I called my lawyer, found out what it was about. He called the other lawyer who gave him the advice

to call the police and all of it went away when my lawyer called a judge in town and heard of the nonsense. I never heard from the police

again. I was even on the front page of that stupid Leaf Chronicle. That's how stupid that newspaper is. Bottom feeders!


After that episode, I won't be volunteering anything without prior knowledge.

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Well it is obvious to me at least that Mr. James Kaleda was on point and correct.  The problem with most anti-gun legislators is that when faced with facts, they have no rebuttal and in this case chose to just kick him out of the hearing.  What I can not determine, and it may be just me, is whether the people in the room are applauding Mr. Kaleda or the police.  It was pretty obvious that when the chairman was calling Mr. Kaleda out of order that the booing was in response to the chair so one could presume that the applause was for Mr. Kaleda.

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