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RobertNashville last won the day on May 31 2021

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    Mid TN
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    Finance - Plant Controller


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  1. Merry Christmas everyone! Just a quick update to let you know that I am still here and doing pretty well. I’m currently working full-time for a real estate title company here in Ohio and I recently accepted an adjunct professor of finance position with a local four-your college teaching corporate finance. i’ve also restarted my own Masters program working on the master of arts degree in biblical apologetics. God is good; and I will never forget the overwhelming generosity of those here at TGO! And, yes, I still have my G20!
  2. No...didn't go back to SC...moved to Ohio where my family still live.
  3. Thanks for asking, FourtyFive! I'm doing pretty well It has taken a while for things to settle out but just this past week I was able to secure an apartment (something that has been hard to come by) and will be able to move in sometime in mid to late June...that means that I'll finally be able to move all my stuff out of storage! Bought a used vehicle to get around in and overall, life is returning to something more "normal". I seem to get a little better every week...every day. Just five or six weeks ago I could hardly get up from a standard height chair without help but no longer...still carry a cane with me but really just for those times when I'm walking on uneven ground. Of course, my chronic health issues aren't going away and every day is a gift; one that I'm very thankful for. Were it not for what happened I would never have left Tennessee and I will always miss it but it's good to be "home"...back to my roots. Oh and yes, I still have my G20 thanks to the incredible generosity of so many of you!
  4. I left the rehabilitation facility on February 17...58 days either in the hospital or in rehab. My condition remains pretty critical but my being here is nothing short of a miracle; more than one Dr said I would not leave the hospital alive much less be at the level I’m at. im now living in Ohio with my sister and looking for a home/apartment to rent - I miss Tennessee (lived in Murfreesboro since 1996) but this is where I need to be. I also miss the friends of the TB firearms community; both those I’ve met in person over the years as well as those I’ve only “met” through the forum..what you all did for me at Thanksgiving truly showed a spirit that is very hard to find today. I’ll still be hanging around the forum and may contribute my $0.02 from time to time. Thank you all, again for your generosity and prayers. Bob Armentrout
  5. hey folks - just a quick update. I was released from the hospital on the 6th and now in a rehab for PT to see how much strength I can get back. No idea how long I’ll be here or how much strength but every day I’m moving around a bit better!
  6. Hello everyone! The fact that I am able to leave this here is truly nothing short of a bona fide miracle. If any of you ever thought that God doesn’t still move the fact that I am alive proves otherwise. I will update folks as I can but a few days ago we were talking about me never leaving us hospital alive and now we’re talking about when I’ll be able to go home. For me at this point in my life going home will be moving back to Ohio which is where all my family are. Don’t entirely know what my situation will be like we’re gonna have to go through a lot of physical therapy to build up my strength but I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all of you folks did for me. God bless you all!
  7. Hello everyone. I want to do another update to let everyone know what’s going on. Please forgive any spelling errors or words that don’t necessarily make sense because for the most part I have to do this by voice rather than trying to type it out on my iPhone. Whether or not I will survive this to ever leave the hospital is still unknown . However most of the drugs they had to use the past few days just to keep me alive are now down to almost nothing. Once I’m completely off those drugs they will be able to move away from the intensive care unit down to a normal floor. That does not mean I am anywhere near out of the woods but it does at least mean they can then start concentrating on my most serious problems which is congestive heart failure along with some liver and kidney damage. The ultimate hope is that I will eventually be able to not just move to a regular floor but actually be able to leave the hospital to some sort of new situation. assuming that is able to happen at some point in the future I will be moving back to Ohio to be with my family. Bottom line is that my life is going to change in a huge way and most of my independent living will be gone. I hope however much time I have left whether it’s six months or a couple of years I can stay active enough to still enjoy life. One thing I can say without any hesitation here’s that I’ve had an incredibly good life with incredibly good friends and that my faith is strong enough for me to know that no matter what happens I WII be OK for me to live is Christ and to die is gain. sometime tomorrow I will be making final decisions about things such as resuscitation and what kind of procedures I’m willing for them to engage in should they need to. I already know I’m not gonna have them do anything extraordinary but it will be OK. I can also say this about the people at Riverside Murfreesboro. The nurses and the staff here have been incredibly loving and caring people. my immediate family from Ohio Will be stopping by again tomorrow morning before heading back to Ohio but my sister will be driving back down a little bit later on in the week and plans to continue to do so until we know more about what the future may hold. I can’t begin to tell you how amazing and incredible the outpouring of support has been or how much your generosity has meant - all of you have proven just how wonderful the firearms community is . Hopefully I will still be able to keep you updated on where I am and what’s happening to me but should that not be possible I want to make sure that you know how much I appreciate all that you have done. my best wishes to all of you for an incredibly good year in 2021 and make sure you know all of you have made a difference for me!
  8. Hello my friend. I know my gold club getting good good home and was going to somebody who would appreciate it. One thing I know after meeting you is that you were the right one to get it.It was great to meet you and I appreciate the fact that it was you who was able to buy it from me. Interesting that you should comment on this now because just today I had to confess to my brother that I have sold it; I say confess because my plan always been that I would give it to him at some point in the future. He understood perfectly of course and what he said was that he just wanted to make sure it had a good home and was going to somebody who would appreciate it. One thing I know after meeting you is that you were the right one to get it.
  9. Good morning guys. Just a little update to at least let you know that I am still awaiting the living. I’ve had some mostly encouraging news but still a long long way from knowing what the actual outcome is going to be. However, my doctor has at least give me reason to stay hopeful. Family arrived here from Ohio yesterday afternoon and we’ve had some great time visiting.
  10. Merry Christmas my friends. first of all, I can’t even begin to tell you hell the timing of all this work out for me because I was able to go home for Thanksgiving the first time in several years. At the moment I’m facing the possibility if that is the last time I will ever be home for Thanksgiving. Since getting back after Thanksgiving my health started to decline and this past Monday night I was admitted to the intensive care unit here in Murphreesboro. it’s too complicated to go into a lot of details but on Wednesday afternoon they took 14 L of excess fluid from my abdomen and that’s about 30 pounds worth of weight. The procedure went well but one of the possible complications from that procedure is bleeding. Typically they would have a specialist come in to do surgery to stop the bleeding but with Covid and everything else going on there is no one available either here or anywhere in the area to do that. So right now we are waiting to see if my body will take care of it on it’s on. Either I will recover and eventually be able to go home or I won’t recover and I won’t go home it’s really just that. I just wanted to let you guys know because you’ve all been so very very kind and generous to me. Those who feel inclined to do so I would certainly appreciate your prayers. And just so you know at the moment I am in Saint Thomas Murfreesboro at 1700 Medical Center Parkway in the ICU unit room 231. I can’t possibly say enough good about all the doctors and nurses that have been working on me. But you know life is a journey and I’ve had a pretty incredible one and I am at peace with whatever happens. I love you guys and your spirit of generosity so I just want to make sure you knew what was going on. I will keep this updated as I know more. Merry Christmas and I really mean that!
  11. Had a great time in Ohio with family - I can’t begin to tell you all how grateful I am...what an amazing group of people you all are...thank you and God bless!!!
  12. Would love to meet you, donation or not! Just let me know when you might be by.
  13. 2020 and Another Thanksgiving. Not a Thanksgiving as a youngster eagerly anticipating Mom being up and 5 AM to put the turkey in the oven and all the great smells of great food cooking…the rolls…the potatoes…the dressing…and, of course, my Mom’s homemade noodles. I think I could almost live on those noodles alone. The remembrances of aunts and uncles and cousins coming over for dinner and sitting at the “children’s table”! Not a Thanksgiving where I’ve “graduated” to the adult’s table or no table at all as we couldn’t always seat everyone at the table…not a Thanksgiving where I was eager to get out of the house and “show” how independent I had become now that I could drive. Not a Thanksgiving where I was on active duty in the U.S. Navy; a sailor coming home with my wife with an obligation to go to “her” family dinner later (or perhaps earlier). Not a Thanksgiving, now divorced and living on my own in the “big city” and making a pretty good life for myself and where Mom and Dad are obviously getting older and I come home for the day. No…it’s none of those…now it’s a Thanksgiving where Mom and Dad are gone…where the family really doesn’t get together anymore for many and sundry reasons…I live out of state and now, one of the “oldest” of my family...these days I have my own "tradition" but even that will be a bit different this year for several reasons. Nevertheless; it's still a Thanksgiving that I am thankful for! “Family” holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas are very different…the world is different…I’m different…but the memories; no…they are the same and those memories stay. I am thankful for all my memories…I’m thankful for my relatives…my sister and brother (the best any “big brother” could ever ask for)…I’m thankful for my parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles who, even when they didn’t realize it, helped shaped me to be the man I became (and am still becoming)…I’m thankful for Thanksgiving when I was floating around the Mediterranean Sea on deployment and didn’t make it “home” for the holiday because being deployed helped me realize just how lucky I was to have a home where I could have gone had I not been deployed…I’m thankful for friends old and new. I’m thankful for my country and the freedoms we all enjoy because of the sacrifice of so many…most of all I’m thankful to God that he has ALWAYS remained faithful to me even when I, like Peter, would have denied him. To all reading this, I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers. - Philemon 1:4 For the first time in several years I am heading to Ohio to be with my sister, brother and their families for Thanksgiving...I am able to do that, in no small part, due the the incredible generosity of so many of you here and I can’t possibly thank you all enough. I truly wish all of you a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving - this one will likely be the most memorable one of my life. Bob Armentrout
  14. I’m beyond words at everyone’s generosity. for anyone wanting to use PayPal you can use either this phone number “615-682-2245” or this email “rbarmentrout1954@icloud.com” happy Thanksgiving, everyone...this is one I won’t forget!
  15. Most of the work I’ve done has been building financial reporting systems using various software systems like Hyperion, Business Objects, etc. I’ve worked for Nissan, accounting firms, Gulfstream Aerospace, Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina and even the Univ of South Carolina. I do have a good possibility in the works now with a couple of good interviews done but likely nothing will happen as far as an offer until after the holidays.


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