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Need some organizational backing

Guest LeagueOf1291

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Guest LeagueOf1291

I've known my state rep for several years from my days as a lawyer. I'm going to have lunch with him to discuss allowing TN permit holders to carry on campus, and I'd like to be able to represent that some TN organizations are behind the idea.

Can I get some connections started here?

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Guest Len

I would imagine a great majority of, if not all, TGO members would support such legislation, but TGO as an organization has taken no vote or stand as far as I know. I suggest contacting John Harris at Tennessee Firearms Association (http://www.tfaonline.org/) I'd be willing to bet large sums of $ that TFA would support such legislation in principle.

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  • Administrator
Hey Len,

what would it take to put TGO's name behind that? money? a vote? what?

when it comes to politics, I'm about as useful as a fart in a whirlwind.

what does Tungsten think about it?

We've been looking at the idea of incorporating as a non-profit, however there are restrictions on what certain non-profit groups can do in terms of legislative activity.

TGO's goal is to educate, inform and motivate people to get involved. I do not think that we will become an active lobbying group corporately (again, restrictions) but rather leave that to organizations like the TFA, NRA, GOA, etc. We will encourage our members to join and financially partner with those organizations.

So, as for "TGO money" being put into something like that... I'm not sure there would be a way for us to do it without incurring the wrath of the IRS at a later point.

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Guest LeagueOf1291

That sounds great! I have two baseball games with my boys that night, but I'll see if I can send them with a friend.

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Guest LeagueOf1291

Tungsten, I wouldn't need money -- a list of signatures would do it. Like an online petition, with your help getting the word out for all to sign it? I'll see about setting up such a petition, and if you'd consider helping get the word out, I'd greatly appreciate it.

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Hey Tower!

What Tungsten said. (I'm a bit slow these days -final exams.)


:biglol: oof..final exams.

"cells are bad....my uncle lives in a cell, its 9' by 12' and he just sits there all day". (from the movie "evolution")

I feel your pain Len...I used to torture guys like you with MY final exams...I actually used puns where and when I could.:rofl: I figured that since I was being made to cross the rubicon to get my a, I'd poke fun at the fishes along the way. I was once told that puns were "in bad taste". I told her that when fine humor fails...one has to resort to cream pies..:D

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  • Administrator
Tungsten, I wouldn't need money -- a list of signatures would do it. Like an online petition, with your help getting the word out for all to sign it? I'll see about setting up such a petition, and if you'd consider helping get the word out, I'd greatly appreciate it.

You can absolutely request signatures from the TGO member base. Just start a new thread mentioning the petition and describe exactly what the petition covers and what you hope to see accomplished by it. As long as the members have the ability to make an educated, informed decision, I see no problem at all with this.

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Guest Len

The thread can also include an online poll if you like to see some "stats" you can use. (TGO is nothing if not on the cutting edge of forum tech! :D ) I'd like to suggest being as specific as possible in the question. Something like "Would you favor allowing carry permit holders to carry on college campuses?" sounds great, but the devil is in the details. (What colleges? Private too? Staff only? Include students?) If there is model legislation out there (like Utah's) that we would model in TN, that would be great.

You can absolutely request signatures from the TGO member base. Just start a new thread mentioning the petition and describe exactly what the petition covers and what you hope to see accomplished by it. As long as the members have the ability to make an educated, informed decision, I see no problem at all with this.
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Guest Len

Finals officially over! Just have to show up at commencement tomorrow morning, then I'm done for a while. No Tower-like students this time around!


:biglol: oof..final exams.

"cells are bad....my uncle lives in a cell, its 9' by 12' and he just sits there all day". (from the movie "evolution")

I feel your pain Len...I used to torture guys like you with MY final exams...I actually used puns where and when I could.:rofl: I figured that since I was being made to cross the rubicon to get my a, I'd poke fun at the fishes along the way. I was once told that puns were "in bad taste". I told her that when fine humor fails...one has to resort to cream pies..:D

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Guest LeagueOf1291

Tungsten: Many thanks for your help. I've started a thread inviting all to contribute to the wording of the petition; then I'll post a notice when the petition goes live.

Len: Good idea about the poll. I'll work on it.

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