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Guest Astra900

In a shop I worked at many years ago, a young kid was working there, and had a question about his paycheck. He asked about the accountant. We told him the lady he needs to see was Helen Wate, and anytime he had a question he should go to Helen Wate. :D:D:D

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Guest abailey362

back in high school i worked at publix and we would hze the newbs by sending them to look for the recycled toilet paper.

my fave was making them go to the salad dressing aisle and shake the italian dressing so that it wasn't settled to the bottom. this had to be done every 15 minutes or the boss got pissed.

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Hazing is great.

I worked at McDonald's in high school. The standard trick for any n00b was to send them to dry stock to get sesame seeds for the buns. The joy was in seeing how long they'd look before coming back empty-handed.

But the best of the McD's stories was the guy we had convinced that he had to go stainless-polish the flagpole. We actually had him outside the store with the polish and a rag, and he didn't catch on until we started talking about hooking his belt loop onto the line so he could polish all the way to the top.

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