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Anyone regretted not using headspace gauges on a new build?

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I am in the process of building a 300 blackout. Got my premium BCG from PSA and will probably be using a 10.5 barrel from MAS Defense. 


My question comes when thinking whether to buy the headspace gauges or not. I would just as well buy the gauges except they want $100+ for all three. Or I would just bring it to a gunsmith if it were fairly reasonable. 


But the things I read are all over the place. Some people say they have built tons of AR and never once checked it. Some people say they have issues right off the bat for brand new stuff and took it up with manufacturer after checking headspace. Anyone know how much a gunsmith charges for checking headspace on a bare bolt and barrel? Thanks guys.


Any other thoughts are welcome.

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My only opinion here is what good will the head space gauges do for you? When building an AR platform there is no way to adjust the head space correct? Your only option in the extremely rare event that head space is not correct is to swap parts around until it is....

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My only opinion here is what good will the head space gauges do for you? When building an AR platform there is no way to adjust the head space correct? Your only option in the extremely rare event that head space is not correct is to swap parts around until it is....

Thanks Teecro. You are right and that's what I gather. I see that people just contact the manufacturer and send parts back if it isnt correct. 


I read elsewhere that a gunsmith charges $10 for a go-no go check, then again that is for 5.56. I'm building a 300 blackout, so chances are less they have them on hand. 


Also, I think the issue is rather apparent if it's too little...meaning the bolt won't close. However, the danger appears to be if there is too much headspace and with a closed bolt, I wouldn't be able to tell that. Hence the need for the gauges.


I think I just need to gather a list of gunsmiths and see who has the gauge and how much to check.

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Put an AR together and shoot it. Don't overthink the headspace.


I would not worry about it unless you have reason to believe there is an issue.

The issue I am seeing most is the chambers are not being reamed deep enough and rounds are not chambering.

Btw, tight headspace is never an issue if the rounds will eject. Loose headspace is what can be dangerous. But in most cases if the headspace is loose enough to be an issue the firing pin will not ignite the round, especially in an AR.
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I have checked 5.56 builds before, never ran into a problem.  I wouldn't sweat it to much honestly, especially if the bolt and barrel are coming from the same manufacture (which is what I always try to do anyways).  If it really worries you (and that's a good thing too), just get a No-Go gauge for around $30.  Check with the No-Go gauge, if it passes then chamber a round (under safe conditions, firearm pointed downrange at a safe area). If it closes fully and goes into battery then you know its good to go.  


Here's a 300 No-Go:


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Yes! Once. I had a case head separation in my first 300blk build. The maker had cerakoted the barrel and some over-spray got into the chamber. It would cycle dummies but the second round fired got stuck and pulled in half. Required a finish reamer to fix after pulling the case(major pita). Had I checked headspace I would have sent it back.
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