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Telephone Bad A$$es

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I have been in retail/wholesale over 25 years. I have had more people threaten to whip my a$$ more than most people have seen the word typed. I will tell you one thing for sure, if you call me with a problem(your fault or mine), I will do everything short of lose my job to make you happy if you are respectful. If you call me cussing and acting a fool, I will only do the bare minimum that the company policy says I have to do to comply and cover my a$$. Has anyone learned anything from this little story. 

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IF you had answered the call would you have asked him "Well just how big a boy are ya?" 

No, but I would have told him politely the speed limit is 30 and not 60 and if he was obeying the law he would not have gotten on me so quick. I would not try and provoke an altercation with an already irate idiot.

Edited by bersaguy
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People amaze me. Lots of badass once they are away from the scene and anymouse on the phone. I've had a few try that crap, especially when on the bike. I ride aggressively to keep from being run over, (no not swerving, running like hell or passing jn bad places). Lots of them will give me the finger, brake check etc. I usually just wait to their at a redlight, roll up beside them and invite them to pullover. I've only had 3 take that invitation, and 2 of those drove off immediately after I stepped off the bike. The third got out, realized I was serious and got back in and locked the doors. If your man enough to say it in a locked car, be man enough to say it to my face.

*yes I realize my actions are inflammatory and will probably land my ass in hot water someday. I'm just not much on ignoring a-holes anymore. That's the reason they are such big a-holes is because they have been ignored since they were 3 and learned to use negative action to receive attention.

Sent from the backwoods
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