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You're the Designer...

Guest Bronker

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Guest Bronker

Anyone else bored? Yeah, me too. So I thought I would try something creative. And I want your help.

A lot of you will remember the pre-election bumper stickers that my wife created. It is the one in my signature line. I sold dozens and dozens of them to several TGO'ers, and I hope they will chime in as to the quality and design of them. They are the real deal. My wife is a professional graphic designer and web designer, so she can really do anything we want on these. She does design work / website design for various large companies (Cracker Barrel, etc.), various law firms, multiples of small businesses, and even some outdoor personalities. She has built websites and done design work for Realtree personalities, etc. So, she's really talented.

I'm thinking of doing up some more window decals and / or bumper stickers. I'm really open for themes and designs. They can be politically motivated, gun-related, TGO specific, outdoors related...really anything! But they must be original!!!!!!

I'm going to open this up to my fellow TGO'ers, because I want US to design them. What I'll do, is let everyone submit their ideas in this thread. lay out your ideas for the design, what it should say, what it will look like, color schemes, etc. They can be serious. They can be funny. They can be politically incorrect. They can be "tongue in cheek" or "in your face." They will not be dirty. They will not be profane. They will not be offensive (unless they are directed at obama and his liberalites!!). They must be clean and above board. So that knocks out any design by strickj and verbal kint.:up::D

Anyone want to play? If there's enough interest, we'll make a competition out of it!!! I'll watch the thread, and if it gets going, I have an idea how we could pick a winner and help TGO all at the same time.

So, let the creative juices flow... I bet strickj just thought of something off-color! :eek::P:D

How about this?

A decal or sticker with the NOBAMA theme that says:


A decal or sticker that says:



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Guest Verbal Kint
So that knocks out any design by strickj and verbal kint.:up::D


So I guess a goatse variation of the Obama symbol is out of the question? *sigh* Back to the drawing board.

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Guest Bronker

So I guess a goatse variation of the Obama symbol is out of the question? *sigh* Back to the drawing board.

Brother Verbage!!:eek:

No, you're allowed to submit anything, as long as Tungy has the hammer back, and finger on the trigger of the "edit for content" button!:P:D:D

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Guest RISC777

The 2nd Amendment is my carry permit.

Ted Nugent for President '12


(TN Zombie Reaction Force)

East... Middle... West...

The TGO hat / bag patch design

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Bronker, I like the "You Change, I'll Cling" idea....I'd take one or two of those if you make them.

Guys, I can vouch for Bronker on the quality of the bumper stickers. I got one of his McCain/Palin ones and it was really nice. He was also quick to send it out and it was packaged nicely too.

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Guest Bronker
Bronker, I like the "You Change, I'll Cling" idea....I'd take one or two of those if you make them.

Guys, I can vouch for Bronker on the quality of the bumper stickers. I got one of his McCain/Palin ones and it was really nice. He was also quick to send it out and it was packaged nicely too.

Thanks PM. Nice thing to say. Give me some ideas you have! It looks like this thing may by default be politically motivated. Fine by me, I CAN go there!

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