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Buying My First 1911 - Kimber Ultra Carry II


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Got my Gun back last night with the new holster!  I haven't started carrying it yet but I did put it on for a little while.  Gonna have to break the holster in a little and fire the gun about 100 more times before I start carrying it.  Its a little thinner than the Cylinder of the LCR but heavier when loaded down with that 45ACP ammo :)  


The holster turned out amazing!  His craftsmanship is like none other.


Here is a pic of both Guns that I have setup for CC in IWB holsters made by the same guy. 



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My Kimber Ultra CDP II and Kimber Pro Raptor have been reliable AFTER; I found the ammunition it liked and polished the feed ramp / rail slides. My experience is, once they're good and broke in and well lubed, I've had FEW problems at IDPA. I still like the trust worthiness of my Glock 19 more though.  For a better grip and handling, you might want to try a set of aggressive VZ grips on a 1911. Great handling but tough on your skin / tee shirts.

Edited by Dennis1209
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Got my Gun back last night with the new holster!  I haven't started carrying it yet but I did put it on for a little while.  Gonna have to break the holster in a little and fire the gun about 100 more times before I start carrying it.  Its a little thinner than the Cylinder of the LCR but heavier when loaded down with that 45ACP ammo :)


The holster turned out amazing!  His craftsmanship is like none other.


Here is a pic of both Guns that I have setup for CC in IWB holsters made by the same guy. 


12654372_10205293585250085_4134760121578Very Nice, enjoy!!!

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So far so good guys!!!  Ive fired her 400 times and only the first time had problems.  I do however have to do a "sling shot" on the first Critical Defense round when loading the pistol.  I could see where it would be hateful with some loads/bullets especially those that are flatter in nature.  With care and attention to detail of the firearm I think this can be overcome.  


Ive carried this Pistol all week and I love the weight even loaded.  Its the gun Ive always wanted!!  its only missing the Night sights, which will be put on it soon!!!!


Any suggestions?  I want to keep that "stock" appearance.

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