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Looking for HCP class opening this weekend

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Sorry I didn't reply fast enough! For the record, it's called The Gun Shop and Trading Post. It's a magical place.

I was in Cookeville the other day on business and almost took a detour to go there. I'll have one make a point of it next time I go.

There's a nice looking Dan Wesson on there... Edited by Sidecarist
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Actually I think I like the graphite version better.

I just had to push that button...

LOL touche! I honestly pray everytime we go in, that it won't be there. Because one day, I will lose self control. I haven't touched a 1911 since my HCP course. I had FTE issues with it so I ended up having to use my instructors 1911, which had a threaded barrel. It kept getting caught on my holster. It was hot as heck, I was sweating, the threaded barrel got caught on the HORRIBLE holster I was using. I was lucky I still got a 96. Lots of breathing and a great instructor got me through that.

My 1911 has been sitting in the safe since then. It's an old SA that Monkey rebuilt with mostly Ed Brown parts himself. It was a great gun but it needs some love. It was the second gun I'd ever shot and the first one I LOVED. So instead of a beautiful, amazing piece of work for $1,300, I will eventually get the SA fixed. But damn, 3 more trips and who knows what I will do if it's still there. What makes me mad is I purchased 2 Glocks a while back, my 21sf I hate, my 20 I love. For what I spent on them, I could have got the Wesson. No regrets, but I had no clue the 21 was going to be such a hand hog. I'll probably eventually sell it and put it towards the Wesson.
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