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Sig 226 Blackwater Tactical

Guest Dean_JC78

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I guess this is the new model?

Seems I remember there being another Blackwater 226 w/ some sweet ass wood grips that had been stained a transparent-ish black.

EDIT: Found the photo. Personally, I like the wood grips better... for looks anyway. For function, the stock plastic grips have always been great, and I REALLY like the Houge grips on a 226.


Edited by poak
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Guest Dean_JC78

I really hate those wood grips. That was my main dislike about the Elite version and Sig would not exchange them for something else. It is a personal preference thing but it never felt right in my hands.

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Guest VolGrad

I am out of my Sig phase but that new BW is pretty nice. I like the beaver tail, the grips (the look of them, not the logo), and love the mag well and ultra hi-cap mags.

I don't like the front sight though. I wouldn't think the fiber optic sights are a good match on a pistol that is supposed to be more for "rugged" duty.

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I really hate those wood grips. That was my main dislike about the Elite version and Sig would not exchange them for something else. It is a personal preference thing but it never felt right in my hands.

You could probably have sold those grips and bought 2 pairs of the plastic ones!

I like the LOOKS of the black woods ones, but for use, I prefer the el cheapo Sig plastics.

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Guest Dean_JC78

Yea but then you have the task of selling them. I did have somebody mention on these forums that they would buy the wood ones though.

I like the plain jane as well. But the BWT just is the total package for me. My heart is set!!! Perhaps I need to give myself a little Christmas present... :grouchy:

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