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About aknifemaker

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    Retired but still making things


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. your alittle far from me otherwise would consider this, GLWS
  2. Was just curious, did what it was supposed to do no doubt
  3. when you field dressed the deer what did the heart and lungs look like?
  4. Colt Defender in 45acp, runs good and a good shooter. Just put the Kimber recoil spring setup in it just a nicer setup than the colt assembly.
  5. Allman Brothers Stormy Monday
  6. Happy Thanksgiving to all, enjoy your family and friends. We're headed up to Jeff city for thanksgiving with friends. God Bless America
  7. Any interest in a Sig P229? It has 2 slides and barrels in 9mm, one of those slides has an optic on it. A third slide with 2 barrels, one in 40 S&W the other in 357 sig. All parts are from Sig.
  8. A friend of mine used to work for washington state game department, he got rid of nuisance black bears, he used 12ga mossburg pumps, loaded with slugs. Should work on wolves too.
  9. Any interest in a citori?
  10. Missed that, thanks
  11. Welcome to Tennessee, I'm a political refuge from new york also


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