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Everything posted by BigPoppa

  1. TNTitan, I've thought about your kind gesture a lot today. Now I'm gonna PIF. You know you mentioned getting your Dad in our Defensive Carbine Course next month ? It's done. He's our guest as a Christmas present from you. PM me for all the particulars.
  2. Go to "User CP" then "Edit Your Details" then "Custom User Title"
  3. This. Just educate any would-be armed muggers, rapists, and/or carjackers of the District's strict firearms policies, and how effective they have been in crime reduction. They're probably just not aware of it, and, once notified, that should clear up any misunderstandings.
  4. BigPoppa


    Not in Wisconsin. No death penalty provision.
  5. I'd say you're sitting in the catbird seat......you're an hour from Memphis, and you have two good training options available to you. I have trained at both places you mention, and I don't think you could go wrong with either. Better yet, and if time and money allow, train with both. I've had classroom only training from Chip at Range USA, but he was squared away, and they enjoy a very good reputation from the Memphis-area members here. I've taken a fair amount of training from Rangemaster, also, and they put out solid instruction and information too. Either way, kudos to you for recognizing your need for additional training. ETA- No slight intended at Ben....I just commented on the two places you mentioned, and I've never trained with Ben.
  6. BigPoppa


    Kudos to the Court Security guys........they did it right. Scooped and ran with the defendant to a more secure location, while a couple of other deputies kept an eye on the gallery. Just like it should be done.
  7. That's a grand total net haul of $ 67 !!!!
  8. I consider your remarks the epitome of hyperbole.
  9. Not bad advice.......holstering is when a significant percentage of AD/UD/ND incidents occur. People think they have gotten to this point with no problem, so sometimes they mentally clock out here. Stay in the game until you have holstered and snapped down and don't muzzle yourself when you holster, either. Consistently doing this will greatly reduce your chance of contracting a bad case of GLOCK leg
  10. related - "why would you go anywhere where you would need a gun ?"
  11. Related - referring to a Shotgun as a "shottie" or a "gauge"
  12. Anything related to a gun "going off"
  13. What he said ! XD9 SC and XD40 Service......another glass of please !
  14. IANAL, but "Reasonableness" and "Disparity of Force" will come into play at some point during the legal process. Disparity of Force can include a multitude of things, but some of the more common examples are man vs. woman, big vs. small, many vs. one, young vs. old, healthy vs. feeble, etc.......so a very strong case could be made that "Grandpa" vs. "The Linebacker" is not a fair fight in a legal sense, and thus may entitle Grandpa to jump a level of force or two.
  15. Ok.....thanks OS for some clarity. Now that the OP, photo, and source have been cleared up as misinformation, hyperbole, and perhaps even fiction, the question now seems to be "Can a Muslim be President of the United States ?" We can even expand that to substitute "Satanist", "Atheist", "Agnostic", "Druid", "Pagan", et al. etc. In 1960, "Catholic" was the label applied with much hand wringing in some circles. The answer, clearly, is yes. Would I, personally, vote for an admitted, practicing Muslim for President ? I would struggle with it, and I am man enough to admit that. But that would be my personal religious views and political ideology (prejudice maybe even) and not anything on Constitutional grounds. Here's the oath of office that the POTUS takes: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. The man or woman taking this oath swears allegiance to the Office and to the Constitution, not a faith, religion, region, or political party.
  16. Correct. I think the point we are discussing was meant as on your way to take the HCP course (because you don't yet have a permit) seperate your handgun and ammunition. However, even with your HCP, understand that there are numerous places you can't (legally) carry a gun.
  17. ....has gift certificates available in any denomination and good toward any course we offer. These would make great stocking stuffers or Christmas presents for the loved one who is always hard to buy for !


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