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Everything posted by BigPoppa

  1. I believe he means on the way to HCP class. After your HCP arrives, yes you can carry a gun in your car.
  2. A gift certificate for a Carbine training course..........
  3. Check into pre-paid calling cards or other methods to help out with the outrageous cost of calling home from Iraq, Kuwait, and Afghanistan.
  4. In Tennessee, no, no training is required but IMO it's a really good idea. I'd also suggest some training or exposure to things like mindset, situational awareness, Col. Cooper's color codes, etc. To carry a baton or nightstick does require a certification course. Some may be along directly to tell you that it is illegal in Tennessee for a law abiding citizen to carry a TASER for defensive purposes, but I respectfully disagree.
  5. Conservative praise for Nobel speech - Yahoo! News An excerpt: “Whatever mistakes we have made, the plain fact is this: the United States of America has helped underwrite global security for more than six decades with the blood of our citizens and the strength of our arms,†Obama said. “The service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform has promoted peace and prosperity from Germany to Korea, and enabled democracy to take hold in places like the Balkans.†Wow.......I disagree with a lot of his policies, but I appreciate these comments at least. He even had the fortitude to deliver this speech to a room full of fawning, pacifist, peacenik Europeans. Some pretty interesting analysis in the article I linked, too. Here's a good one.... Added Walter Russell Mead, Henry A. Kissinger senior fellow for U.S. foreign policy at the Council on Foreign Relations: “If Bush had said these things the world would be filled with violent denunciations,†said “When Obama says them, people purr. That is fine by me.â€
  6. Saturday, May 1, 2010 Smyrna $ 105.00 A one day, fundamentals course of instruction in the operation of the shotgun for home defense and personal protection. This course will cover firearms safety, shotgun platforms and mechanics, ammunition selection, administrative and tactical gun handling, and defensive applications. This course includes both classroom instruction, and live fire range exercises. A Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit is recommended as a prerequisite.
  7. April 17-18, 2010 Smyrna $ 165.00 This is a two day, intermediate level skill builder course emphasizing firearms safety, marksmanship, and basic tactics. Defensive Handgun Workshop is designed as the first follow-up course for those who have recently completed a Carry Permit course or Armed Security course, or as a refresher course for those with previous handgun experience. DHW topics include "The Combat Triad", presentation from a holster, movement, scanning and threat assessment, malfunction drills, failure to stop drills, concealed carry methods, tactical and emergency reloads, addressing multiple threats, shooting from cover, and police-type qualification courses of fire. A Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit, or other acceptable previous firearms training is a prerequisite.
  8. "First.......the airing of grievances !!"
  9. I think he's out of pocket for a few days, but shoot Todd@CIS a PM. He's an experienced Weimeraner guy.
  10. Almost this exact scenario occurred in our October HCP class. We had gone through the basics (safety, nomenclature, function, ammunition, etc.) and were starting to get into the legal issues and carry methods. A couple of folks in the class who were familiar with the "Rookie Wal-Mart HCP Trip" and I were joking about that. I noticed that a middle-aged lady in the class had developed this half puzzled/half terrified look on her face. I asked her if she had a question. With a nearly incredulous tone, she said "Yes, I do. Do you mean to say people actually wear a gun and walk around Wal-Mart with it ?!?!" I said "Sure, Wal-Mart and many other places". She was stunned......"I had no idea". "Yes, ma'am" says I, "that's the Carry in Handgun Carry Permit". I spoke with her privately during the break to figure out what the miscommunication was. I was thinking (but did not say, because I am a professional ) what the heck did you think this class was about ? Did you wander into the wrong classroom ? Long story short - this was all her husband's idea.......she decided this was not what she wanted to do.....she left the class before we went to the range. She....and us....are all probably better off. To paraphrase the Warden in Cool Hand Luke, sometimes there are people we just can't reach. As to the OP........I agree with the comment that it sucks that your kid will lose the compnay of his friend over this.
  11. Bearcats undefeated and headed to the Sugar Bowl Bengals playing well.....in the driver's seat to win thier division is all this a sign of things to come for these guys ?
  12. Methinks this is becoming a circular argument.
  13. What he said ! I'd strongly recommend that you check out several different types of handguns (at the very least handle them for fit and ergonomics, but preferably shoot them) rather than settling on one particular gun based on looks or someone else's preference. Also, for brand new handgunners, I recommend getting yourself some quality, professional handgun instruction before purchasing. Be a more informed buyer.
  14. No D A V I D I like his W A Y better it's more E M P H A T I C
  15. Seriously ? West TN mayor: Obama blocked 'Peanuts' Christmas special on purpose | tennessean.com | The Tennessean
  16. Hey.....wait a minute !! That was THREE questions !! Hope you can make it !
  17. Yeah.......article title and then a comments section. No body of the article. No meat in the sandwich !!
  18. Anyone but me notice anything odd about this ? Blog: John Rich to host Wamp fundraiser at new Love Circle home | tennessean.com | The Tennessean


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